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~ Rose's POV ~

Rose: So.. how's life with your fiance??
??: It's good. I am just.. grateful that he accepted me as me.. knowing what kind of a person I used to be.. forget it. Anyways.. I heard.. you got engaged too??
Rose: Oh yup. How'd you know??
??: *chuckle* I just do. There's a staff there who's my friend. Congratulations.. when are you getting married??
Rose: Probably in a month.. I want to get married before the birth of our baby.
??: Baby?! Omg!! Congratulations. Ah I am so happy. Both of us at the same time, engaged and pregnant?? Wahh.

She said getting all excited. Rose just chuckled and sipped her Boba.

??: Our wedding is next week. So here's the invitation. And this one.. if they'll like to come. Give it to the members. Tell your sister to come too. I would love to see you all on my wedding. It isn't too fancy.. only our families and friends will be there. I don't have any family.. nor friend so.. anyways.
Rose: Suzy.. you know I am your friend. I'll come for sure with Jimin. And the members too. Don't worry.
Suzy: Thank you.. I appreciate it. Also!! You made your debut. It was so cool. You looked so pretty.
Rose: Thanks-

My phone rang.

Rose: Oh.. It's Jimin sorry.

I answered it.

- OTP -

Rose: Hello??
Jimin: Why are you with Suzy??
Rose: What?? how'd you- Jimin why are you standing there?? It's nothing wrong.. if you want to know.. just come here.

I hung up and looked at him standing at the entrance of the cafe.

Suzy: What's wrong- oh.

She sighed as she spotted him coming inside.

Suzy: Did he call you to ask about me??
Rose: Hmm.. he's coming here.

He came to us and sat beside me.

Jimin: Explain.
Rose: Aish. She's just giving me this.. and yeah. She already said sorry. I forgave her. You should too..
Jimin: What?? No way I am doing that.
Rose: Jimin.. she won't do any harm to us what's your problem?? And also.. she is getting married anyway. And just like us.. she is having a baby too. And you already know that.
Jimin: Oh.. yeah I forgot about that. But still.. you didn't tell me before coming here.
Suzy: Am I third wheeling or what?? This is awkward.
Jimin: You were always a third- ow.
Rose: If you're here to talk nonsense than go home!!
Jimin: Sorry..
Rose: Say it to her.

His eyes widened as he looked at me. I raised my eyebrow making him sigh.

Jimin: Sorry.

He said while looking at her.

Suzy: It's fine.. Don't argue because of me. I have to go now.. and yeah.. make sure you attend my wedding. I'd appreciate that. Take care.
Rose: Suzy wait. Can I talk to you for a second??
Suzy: Sure.

I got up and went to the side.

Rose: Don't mind his words.. maybe he can't let go of the past. He'll be fine in a few days. And we will attend the wedding.. with everyone. Take care.
Suzy: It's alright. I know Jimin can't forgive me that easily. Take care too.. hopefully I'll see you next week. Bye.
Rose: ..Bye.

She smiled and left. I sighed and went back to the table glaring at Jimin.

Rose: What the hell is your problem!? If you don't want to forgive her than don't!! Why are you making her feel bad again!?
Jimin: Rose calm down!! Why are we arguing over someone else??
Rose: She isn't someone else!! She is my friend. Jimin.. I know what she's been going through for the past months. She said sorry to me a few weeks ago. She told me that the person that got her pregnant was willing to marry her. She told me to say sorry to you on behalf of her because she felt ashamed.. ashamed to face you. But I didn't say it to you. Because I knew.. I knew you were never going to do that. I lied to her.. I said you forgave her. But look what you did now. After so many months she was becoming a normal person and you.. you ruined it all.

I said letting all my anger out as he got shocked.

Jimin: Y-you should've told me that before.
Rose: Why?? Were you gonna forgive her?? No.
Jimin: Rose.. I'll say sorry to her. Sincerely. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. My past takes over me whenever I see her. That's why I said that unconsciously.
Rose: Jimin.. Past is past. Forget about it already. I know you went through a lot that time. But past should be let go of. Not to hold on, because the more you hold on to it, the more it will bruise you. Now let's not argue and you've promised me to say sorry to her when we meet next time.
Jimin: I promise.
Rose: Good. Now let's go home.

I said and walked first as he followed me innocently. He walked faster and started walking beside me. Slowly putting his hand near mine he wanted to hold it but didn't since he was scared what if I was still angry. I secretly smiled and interwined our hands making him smile.

Rose: I hate you.
Jimin: I love you too.

I chuckled and placed his arm around me as he pulled me closer and walked with his hand on my shoulder.

Jimin: Do you want ice cream??
Rose: Hmm No. I want something else.
Jimin: Hot choco??
Rose: Yes!! With marshmallows.
Jimin: *chuckle* Okay big baby.
Rose: I eat for two you know??
Jimin: I know miss. And you both are mine.

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Rose: And you are ours. Mostly mine.. hehe.
Jimin: Of course. I became yours first. And then the dada of our baby.
Rose: Dada?? I want to be called mommy.
Jimin: What about mama??
Rose: Hmm that's cute. We'll see about that later. Anyways.. about the baby reveal.. when are we doing it??
Jimin: Tonight. About Bang PD.. I already told him. He was very happy. He said he'll postpone your debut showcase.
Rose: Oh yeah I forgot about that. But that's good. Let's get some hot choco now.
Jimin: Sure. Excuse me, could we get two medium sized hot choco with extra topping of marshmallow??
Worker: Sure sir.

°~ To Be Continued ~°


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