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• Book ending soon •

~ Rose's POV ~

1 week later

Today is Suzy's wedding. I convinced Jimin to come as well as the other members and they agreed. My tummy is starting to get bloated already since it's been 2 weeks and a few days since I am pregnant. I was getting ready when someone knocked on the door.

Jimin: May I come inside princess??

He said as he peeked inside. I chuckled and nodded. He's been calling me princess for the past week.

Jimin: Hungry??
Rose: Nope. I'll eat when I feel hungry.
Jimin: Okay. I was asking.. just in case.
Rose: I know. Don't you think we need another vlog?? It's been a week already since we uploaded vlog number 1.
Jimin: Since we're going to Busan tonight, why not just do it today??
Rose: Yeah. A vlog series of our trip.
Jimin: Yup.

We postponed our Busan trip since we had to attend Suzy's wedding. We'll stay in Busan for next two months so we decided to hang out with our friends for a week. They all know about the pregnancy too now.

Rose: My make up and hair is done. I'll wear my dress now. Go wear your tuxedo too.
Jimin: Okay.. I'll be back.

He kissed my cheek and went out of the room. I took my clothes off and wore the dress. Gosh it's a little tight from my tummy. How will I fit in my wedding dress??

Rose: My baby's growing very fast inside mommy's tummy hmm?? Love you.

I caressed my tummy and decided to sprayed a little hair spray on my hair before going outside of the room.

I caressed my tummy and decided to sprayed a little hair spray on my hair before going outside of the room

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I let my hair fall down and added loose curls to them.
I came out of the room with my hand on my tummy randomly. It became a habit now.

Rose: Jimin!! Jagi!! Are you ready??

I called him as he came out of the guest room wearing his dark blue tuxedo. His hair was fixed in a style in which only a few strands of his hair were in front of his right eye. I smiled at him as he returned it and came towards me.

Jimin: Your bump is starting to grow already.. cute.

He said feeling the baby bump.

Rose: My dress is a little tight since your baby is growing very fast.
Jimin: You still look amazing as always.
Rose: Thank you~ let's go now.

He nodded and we both wore our shoes and heels before leaving the dorm. We'll move out after our wedding.


We sat inside Jimin's car as the others are in their van. Soon we drove off to where the wedding is held.


We arrived at the location and got off after Jimin parked the car. I wrapped my arm around his as we walked inside. The place looks nice. As soon as we got inside and went near the stage, Suzy's soon to be husband spotted us and came towards me.

Jaehyun: Welcome. I am very glad you accepted our invitation. Hey Jimin.
Jimin: Hey.
Rose: It's a pleasure to be here.
Jaehyun: The wedding is about to start. I.. asked Jin to walk down Suzy. Since there was no one to do so and she was crying all night about it.
Rose: Ahh.. she's such a crybaby. What's there to cry about?? Anyways.. we'll sit down now.
Jaehyung: Sure.

We came to a nearby table and sat down on the chair. I asked to sit down since I get tired easily.

Jimin: Drink some water.
Rose: I am fine. Can you give me my medicine??
Jimin: Oh yeah here. Lea said the medicine will change after today's check up. We'll go to her clinic at night.
Rose: Okay.

I took the medicine and gulped it down with water. Then the lights turned down making our attention turn to the door. Suzy is about to walk in.

Rose: We should stand up.

We stood up. The spotlight pointed at the door as it slowly opened revealing Suzy and Jin. I smiled seeing Suzy happy. She slowly walked inside as everyone started clapping as well as us. The other members are at the table in front of us. As expected unnie couldn't come because of work. Suzy reached to the stage as now Jin gave her hand to her soon to be husband.

Jin: Take good care of her.

We heard Jin say. I chuckled.. he seems like her real brother. As Suzy got onto the stage she spotted us and smiled before turning her attention to Jaehyung. The priest started the process and then they both said their vows.

Suzy: I do.
Priest: I may pronounce you both as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride now.

Everyone clapped as they did what the priest said. After a few minutes everyone sat down again since the food was about to be served. Suzy got up and came down the stage with her husband to sit down with us. She firstly hugged me tightly making me feel her tummy. I chuckled and touched it.

Rose: Your bump isn't noticable at all before you touch it.
Suzy: *chuckle* I guess. I was worried about it but now I am fine. How are you?? And you Jimin??
Rose: We're good. We gave the gift to your mother in law.
Suzy: Ah thanks. Let's sit down and eat.
Jimin: Suzy I.. I am sorry about last time.
Suzy: *smile* It's fine. At least you came to my wedding. Now I am very happy. I can't wait for the both of you to get married.
Rose: We're going to Busan tonight. The wedding is also held there. Can you come??
Suzy: Of course!! Right Jagi??
Jaehyun: Yes.

We smiled and sat down as the food got served.

Rose: Alice unnie-
Suzy: She had work. I know. What can I expect since she has to stay with TXT sunbaenims all the time.
Rose: That's right.

°~ To Be Continued ~°


If you see Han anywhere instead of Jaehyung then ignore it-- my mind ain't working.

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