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~ Jimin's POV ~

After the breakfast date we got back in the car and now I was taking her to the next place.. which is an amusement park. It's the most common places for dates and I think she'll like it. Parking the car we got off.

Rose • Where are we??

Jimin • We're not there yet. This is the parking spot we have to walk a few steps.

Rose • Ah..

I took her hand and leaded her to the entrance. As soon as we reached there.

Rose • Amusement park!

Jimin • Yeah.

I smiled seeing the excitement in her eyes.

Jimin • Let's go inside. Where do you wanna go first.

Rose • I don't know.

Jimin • How about the rollercoaster??

Rose • But I am scared of it.

Jimin • Don't worry you can scream haha.

Rose • Okay let's go.

We went to the rollercoaster first. We sat inside it and closed the safety belts. The ride slowly started and her grip on my hand tightened. I held her hand in both of my hands and we were ready to go.

The rollercoaster went fast and during the entire ride Rose didn't scream of fear at all but her screams were off Joy and she was laughing.

Jimin • Yah I thought you were scared!

He shouted for Rose to hear him.

Rose • I am not scared anymore! Ah-

She squealed when the rollercoaster dropped from a high point.

The rollercoaster stopped and they got off breathing heavily as there heart beats weren't normal.

Rose • Ahh I need water.

Jimin • Come let's buy a drink.

We both walked to a store where someone was selling slushy. Getting both of ourselves raspberry slushes we sat down at a bench.

Jimin • Let's choose a slow ride for the next one.

Rose • And which one would that be?

Jimin • Hmm let's see. How about we go to the arcade games??

Rose • Sure!

She replied with a smile and sipped her slushy. Suddenly a boy came to us.

Boy • Hyung please buy a bracelets for your girlfriend. I haven't eaten all day.

I looked at his bracelets and took one out that looked nice to me.

Jimin • Here. And keep this as well.

Boy • I don't need the extra money-

Jimin • Just take it as a gift. Go eat something.

Boy • Thank you so much. Have fun.

I looked at Rose and showed her the bracelet.

Jimin • For you.

Rose • A-ah thanks.

Jimin • Wait let me put it on your wrist.

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