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~ Rose's POV ~

Getting to my dorm I changed my dress and washed my face before throwing myself in my bed. But then suddenly felt the urge to vomit and ran to the bathroom. It's so weird and I can't understand why this is happening. I should go to the doctor tomorrow. But my stomach is hurting so bad right now, I should call Jimin. I came out of the bathroom wiping my mouth and called Jimin.

~ On call ~

Rose - Hello?

Jimin - Baby, is something wrong?? Why do you sound so weak?

Rose - I don't know, my stomach keeps aching and I even threw up
Jimin - Okay don't worry I will call a doctor hmm?? Stay in bed.

Rose - Okay.

He hung up. I laid in my bed curling up in a ball, hugging my knees. And I don't know when I fell asleep even when I was in pain.

I opened my eyes feeling someone touching my forehead. It's Jimin and there is a doctor with him.

Jimin • Are you okay?

He asked and pecked my forehead. I shook my head.

Rose • It hurts.

Jimin • Don't worry the doctor will check you now. You can check her Mr Choi.

The doctor came near me and placed a thermometer in my mouth telling me to hold it. I held it while he pressed and checked my stomach. I groaned when he pressed my stomach.

Mr.ChoiDoes it hurt?

I nodded. He took out the thermometer and checked it.

Mr.ChoiShe has a slight fever. And her stomach seems to be upset. What did you eat today??

Jimin • We only ate pancakes in breakfast and Ramen in lunch.

Mr.Choi Can you show me which one she ate??

Jimin • I will be back.

He went to the kitchen and came back with the same ramen we ate in lunch. The doctor took it and shook his head.

Mr.ChoiI suggest you look at the expiry date before eating anything. This was expired a few days ago. Well that's why her stomach is upset, give her as much water as you can and here's the name of the medicine. Give one to her now and two pills tomorrow. She might throw up one more time. Give her some pain killers for the stomach ache, she'll be fine by tomorrow.

Jimin • Alright. Sorry for troubling you at this time.

Mr.ChoiNo it's fine. This is my job. Anyways, take care of her and yourself too. I will leave now.

Jimin • Thank you. Let me see you off.

He went to see the doctor off and came back placing his hands on his back.

Jimin • You seriously ate expired Ramen?

Rose • Be grateful I didn't give those to you.

I said covering myself with the duvet.

Jimin • It would've been better. Because then I wouldn't have to see you in pain.

I took the duvet off of my face and looked at him. He had a sad face and sighed, about to walk away but I held his hand in both of mine.

Rose • Where are you going??

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