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~ Jimin's POV ~

I woke up hearing some noises outside my room.. I groaned and covered my ears with a pillow but it's of no use. I got irritated and looked at the time.. it's not even 8AM right now ugh. I got up and went outside to check who is making do many noises..
When I went outside of my room I saw.. Alice?? What is she doing here?? As I walked more everyone noticed me including Alice.

Alice Oh good morning Jiminshi.

She said and bowed to me.

Jimin • Uhm good morning.. Hyung can I talk to you for a second??

I called Jin hyung to my room. He came in my room after a few seconds..

Jimin What is going on??

Jin Nothing we just called Alice for breakfast.

Jimin • Hyung are you serious?? You've literally called her in our dorm. What if Bang PD sees this??

Jin • He won't. And even if he does he won't say anything. After all he wants all of us to have a partner soon. It's been 7 years and we still aren't with a permanent lover. I am not saying that we can date Alice.. I am talking about you and Rose.

I face palmed myself.

Jimin • So?? What did you talk to her about??

Jin • Well.. we asked her if her sister liked anyone. So she said she had a crush.. but like a celebrity one.

Jimin • And? Who is it??

Jin • You. She is an army and her bias is you. Congratulations Park Jimin she already has a slight crush on you.

Jimin But Hyung I don't know if it was only a celebrity crush or she really likes me.

Jin • Aishh. You will know soon.. We got to know about both of them and it turns out they've lost their parents in a plane crash.

Jimin I already know.

I said and sat on my bed. Jin Hyung sat near me.

Jin How??

Jimin • Rose told me.

Jin You guys had a whole a$$ conversation bro.

Jimin We talked about random things but that little convo made me realize how friendly she is.

Jin She is so perfect for you.. ah and.. did Suzy bother you after that??

I looked at him.

Jimin • No. And even if she does I don't care. Let's go out now.

I got up and left alone followed by Jin Hyung. I sat with the rest of them at the table.

Alice • I think I will leave now. It's been a while since I came. It was nice meeting all of you.

Jimin I just came noona why don't you sit for a little longer??

Alice • Ah I am sorry Jimin. Maybe next time.

Jimin • It's okay.. see you.

Alice See you all.

She took her phone and left. I started eating the pancakes that were on the table. Everyone else started eating as well making me confused.

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