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~ Rose's POV ~

Feeling a tingling sensation on my neck I slowly opened my eyes and turned around rubbing my eyes. I saw Jimin sleeping peacefully burying his head in my neck. I sighed and fully turned around to hug him.

Jimin: Baby...
Rose: Hmm.
Jimin: Are you mad at me??
Rose: Why do you think I am mad at you??
Jimin: Just.. I don't know. Then are you sad??
Rose: Don't I have a reason to be sad??
Jimin: You do but please don't be sad. I won't be able to give my best at the concert then..

I looked up tilting my head. I ran my hand through his hair staring at him.

Jimin: I love you.

Smiling at him I pecked his lips and placed my head back on his chest.

Rose: I love you too.

He tightened the hug and sighed.

Jimin: Should we cuddle all day??
Rose: You have training.
Jimin: It's at 7PM.
Rose: Jimin-ah..
Jimin: Yes love.
Rose: You know.. I really think I don't show you the same type of affection like how you show me. I feel like your love is way more than my love. I can feel your love in your every sentence and action.
Jimin: It's not like that. If we love someone we don't need to show it. I know that you love me a lot. And I love you too. But it's true I love you more.
Rose: Can I ask you something??
Jimin: Yeah??

I sat up.

Rose: Can't I go with you for the world tour??

He thought for a moment.

Jimin: I would love to take you but.. only PD Nim can say something.
Rose: Hmm.. but you know, maybe I can ask PD Nim??
Jimin: Don't mind baby but.. I think it's useless. It's not been long since you have started training and in a month you will debut too. So this time is very precious for you. Trust me you won't even feel my absence when you are busy with your schedule.
Rose: Aishhh.. fine.
Jimin: Thank you for understanding me.

Suddenly his phone rang. He picked it up.

Jimin: Hello?? Yeah?? But why?? *sigh* I swear to god I can't spend some quality time with my girlfriend huh?? I know I am coming stop scolding me. Bye.

He hung up. I looked at him.

Jimin: Uh..
Rose: It's okay, Go. (Smile)

He smiled and kissed my cheek before getting up to leave. He waved at me and left. I sighed and put up my hair to do my morning routine. I also have training today and it's starting in a hour. Getting up I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes to my training ones.

I took my phone and left.

I was walking to the practice room when I suddenly bumped into someone around the corner.

Rose: Ow-
??: I am so sorry. Are you okay??

I looked up and bowed immediately.

Rose: I am fine it's alright.
??: Wait- Are you by any chance Roseanne Park??
Rose: I am.. how do you know me??
??: Haha, Jin told me about you. You know we are friends right??
Rose: Oh yeah I do. Uhm- I am getting late for my practice, let's talk sometime later??
??: Sure that's totally fine. I would love to have dinner with you. So, are you free??
Rose: Yeah I am totally free by 8.
??: See you then. Good luck with the training. Oh- have you seen Jin?? I can't find him anywhere??
Rose: Ah Jin oppa went for practice with the others.
??: Okay thanks. Bye!!
Rose: Bye.

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