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~ Rose's POV ~

We came back to our dorm after getting waffles for breakfast.

Jimin: Give them to me I will bring it to your room.
Rose: Let's just eat here.
Jimin: Hmm okay.

He smiled at me as I returned it. He went to the kitchen and took out the waffles in a plate while I sat down. I am feeling nauseous again..

Rose: Jimin.. when will this nauseousness go away??
Jimin: You'll be fine in a few days. You gotta be strong for our baby.
Rose: It's all your fault.. if you had controlled your horny ass that day.
Jimin: Then do you.. not want the baby??

He said pouring the syrup on the waffles. My eyes widened as I looked at him..

Rose: I didn't say that!!
Jimin: Sure..
Rose: Jimin.. Baby that's not what I meant. I am just.. obviously not used to this. I am sorry..

I spoke in a low voice as it came in a soft whisper since I got emotional. Ugh.. this pregnancy hormones. Jimin's eyes widened as he walked towards me and cupped my face.

Jimin: It's okay why are you crying??
Rose: It's because of your baby. He's making me emotional.

I said making him smile and pat my head.

Jimin: Then it's going to be dangerous to stay with you for the next 8 months. What if you just slap me out of no where??
Rose: Yah. It's not going to be like that okay?? And besides.. I want to get married before the birth of our baby.. can we do that Jimin??

He smiled and nodded.

Jimin: Of course my love. We'll get married in a month or so. First, tomorrow we need to start our vlogging channel as I promised on weverse. Now don't say why I said that. The time when you're going to be in hiatus is the next upcoming 6 months. So just to feed your fans we'll vlog everyday.
Rose: That seems fine to me. But they don't know that you've proposed me..?? And what about the baby??
Jimin: There's a whole separate vlog for when I planned the engagement party. It's being edited. That'll be the start of our journey. About little Rosie, we'll not reveal it to the internet just yet because obviously, you won't have any song for the upcoming month and they won't know. When we get a proper ultrasound of the baby and it can be seen in your tummy we'll reveal it.
Rose: Little Rosie?? I want a little Jimin.

He chuckled.

Jimin: But I want a daughter.. as beautiful as you.
Rose: I want a lovely son. Just as caring and loving as you.
Jimin: Who knows we might have twins.
Rose: Haha.. that'll be hard you know. Two new borns at one time.
Jimin: That's right. But there will Alice to help you. And also me.
Rose: I guess that works. But Jagi.. how are we going to tell your mom and dad??
Jimin: Abou-

" Tell us about what?? " - A voice was heard making us both turn our head. It's Jimin's mom and dad.

Jimin: Mom dad, what are you doing here??

He said going to them for a hug.

Mom: Nothing son. I just wanted to spend some time with my son and daughter before we go back to Busan.

She said as I walked to her and hugged her too.

Rose: Mom, did you do breakfast??
Mom: Yeah I did. But it seems you both didn't yet. So eat first while we wash our hands.
Rose: Okay..
Dad: Jimin can I have a cup of coffee??
Rose: I'll-
Jimin: I will make it for you. And Rosie, I thought you were hungry. Eat first.

He said making me look at him as he just passes me a smile. I shook my head and sat down to eat first since I can't be skipping meals.
A few minutes later I was done so I placed down the plates in the sink and came back to the living room. I sat down beside his mom.

Mom: What's going on?? Both of you are in a very happy mood and also you said someone earlier. What did you want to say??
Jimin: Uhh well.. we wanted it to be a surprise but.. I guess this is the right time. Wait I'll be back.

He got up and went to the bed room to get the ultrasound pictures. He came back with the pictures in his hand making me nervous. What will their reaction be??

Jimin: Close your eyes and take this.

He made his mom close her eyes and handed the picture in her hand. He already showed it to his dad to which he smiled widely.

Jimin: Okay now.. open your eyes.

She opened her eyes. Her eyes widened as she looked at Jimin first and then at me.

Mom: Am I?! Am I going to be a grand mother!?
Jimin: Yes mom!! We're having a baby.
Dad: I am so happy for you son. Stay happy always.
Mom: Omo.. ah come here my daughter.

She hugged me and kissed my forehead making me shy.

Mom: Ah my lovely daughter.

She called ma daughter again.. for some reason whenever I am called daughter.. I miss mom and dad. My eyes got teary as I quickly wiped them not to get emotional again.

Mom: What's wrong??
Rose: N-nothing.. I just.. miss my mom and dad.
Mom: Ahh.. don't worry. I am sure they are very happy for you. I remembered.. you have a sister right?? I met her yesterday.
Rose: Oh yeah.. Alice Park.
Mom: Are we the first ones to know?? Does anyone else know??
Jimin: Not now.. we'll surprise them later. And uh mom.. we were thinking about spending some time in Busan.. at our hometown.
Dad: That's great son.
Mom: Yeah. Why don't you come with us??
Jimin: We have to tell PD Nim first.. and besides. I have to tell everyone about this too. So how about you guys leave early, Rose and I will come tomorrow early morning.
Mom: Seems fine to me. As you wish. Anyways.. take good care till you come to my house. I'll take extra good care of you. And just tell me if this brat annoys you, I will pinch his ears.
Jimin: I am your son what the-
Mom: Doesn't matter.. so I think we should leave now. We have a train to catch in 40 minutes I think.. we have our suitcase is the car so.. see you tomorrow then. Have a safe journey. Bye.
Jimin: Bye mom..
Rose: Have a safe journey mom dad.
Dad: You too.. take care.

They left. We closed the door and went inside again.

Rose: I just remembered, Lea told me to buy some meds from the store. Can you go buy it for me??
Jimin: Sure, give me the paper.
Rose: Here.
Jimin: I'll be back quickly. Lock the door.

He wore his shoes and left. I sighed and closed the door before going to my room. Suddenly my phone rang making me look at the ID. Unknown.. I picked it up.

Rose: Hello?? Omo!! I forgot to call you I am so sorry.

°~ To Be Continued ~°


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