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~ Rose's POV ~

I wore my dress and started doing my makeup. Completing my makeup I curled my hair and tied a little bit from the back adding a red bow to it. I looked in the mirror. I smiled checking myself and took out my phone to take some mirror selfies. After I was all done I kept my things in their places and went out of the bathroom. I took out my heels and wore them.

Getting up I went out of the dorm and called Alice unnie as I don't know where the ball room is located

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Getting up I went out of the dorm and called Alice unnie as I don't know where the ball room is located. She didn't reply so I called her again, no response. I sighed and went towards the elevator. Someone had gotten in there already so I stopped the door from closing.. it's Soobin. I bowed to him and got inside.

SoobinAre you perhaps Rose?

Rose • Ah, yes I am.

SoobinI see. Are you going to the ball room?

Rose • Yes, but I don't exactly know where it is.

SoobinOh that's alright I am going there too. Hyungs already left.

Rose • I see.

We stopped talking and waited for the elevator door to open.

SoobinBy the way, I heard Jimin hyung likes you.

Rose • He said that to you? Then why didn't he tell you we are already dating?

SoobinWha- really?? I didn't know. Congratulations then.

Rose • Thank you haha.

The elevator stopped and we got out of it. He led me to the ball room and walked to his members first. It's so big, I looked around and didn't see a familiar face except TXT. I walked to an empty table and stood there looking around like a lost child. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder making me turn around and I gasped when I was pulled by my waist. It's Jimin.

Rose • Yah, you scared me.

Jimin • Haha sorry. You look absolutely beautiful.

Rose • Thank you, you don't look less yourself. Handsome as always.

We both giggled. Someone came to us and called Jimin's name.

?? • Jimin?

He turned around and hugged whoever that was.

Jimin • Yo bro!! How are you??

?? • I am all good man. What about you? And who is this miss gorgeous??

He said referring to me. I just showed a small smile out of politeness. Because I don't like the way this dude is looking at me.

Jimin • Oh this is Rose, my girlfriend. And Rose this is Jihoo, my highschool classmate and a trainee in our company.

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