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~ Jimin's POV ~

I woke up by the ringing of my phone. I slowly opened my eyes rubbing them and carefully took the phone not to wake up my baby.

- OTP -

Jimin: Hello??
Rm: Jimin come back, PD Nim has called us for a meeting.
Jimin: Oh God.. okay I am coming.

I hung up. I sighed looking at Rose's sleeping figure. I caressed her hair and kissed the top of her head and slowly got up not to wake her up. I covered her with the duvet again and took my clothes that were on the floor, to wear them. I wore my clothes and took my mobile before leaving. I came back to my dorm and went directly to my room to get fresh. I took a quick shower and dried my hair with the towel before coming out of my room after wearing my clothes.

Jimin: Hyung!! I am ready!!

He shouted so everyone would come out but no one replied. He got confused and called Namjoon.

- OTP -

Jimin: Hello?? Hyung where are you??
Rm: You were taking a bath so we left. Just come to the meeting room now.
Jimin: Okay.. I am coming.

I hung up and wore my shoes before leaving.
I came to the meeting room and knocked on the door before going inside. I bowed to Bang PD..

PD: Come Jimin. So let's start I guess.. This meeting is all about Jungkook and Jimin's relationship with their girlfriends. I think Jimin should do a live with Rose as he promised.
Jimin: I thought about it too.. but I am afraid what if it affect her career?? She is about to debut soon.
PD: Well you both have to go through a tough stage together if some of the fans don't like your relationship.. there is also a possibility that most of the fans won't like it. But God knows what will happen. About Jungkook, you should keep your relationship private until the concerts in Indonesia.
Jungkook: Hmm okay.
PD: Jimin.. you should go live today. And as Rose is starting the shooting of her second song today, she will be busy from 5-10 PM. So you can go live before that.
Jimin: Alright..
PD: That's all for your relationships, now for the concerts that were postponed.. we will do them in a month. And Rose will come with us.
Hoseok: Okay but why??
PD: Because I have came to know that previously there were some misunderstandings between Rose and Jimin because of his ex. So if Rose stays with Jimin all the time during this period everything will be fine. Other then that Rose will also appear in one of the concerts and we'll see the reaction of Armys. Don't worry about her getting hurt or anything.
Jimin: Oh.. I guess okay.
PD: There is no need to practice more for the concerts. That's all for today. You can go now.
Rm: Okay.. Good morning PD Nim.

We bowed to him and left.

~ Rose's POV ~

I opened my eyes slowly as the sun was hitting my eyes. Did I forget to close the curtains last night?? Ugh. I looked around and didn't see Jimin. I sat up and took my mobile to see the time. 10:39 PM.. where is Jimin?? My eyes landed on a text that was from Jimin. I opened it.

' I am sorry I had to leave. PD Nim called us for a meeting. Take a warm bath drink some chocolate milk.. I know you can't walk. ;) Love you. :* '

I chuckled at his text.

Rose: Idiot..

I placed my phone aside and got up. I tried to walk but then my legs felt sour.. Park Fucking Jimin.. ugh. I slowly walked to the bathroom while holding the bed and then putting my hand on the wall. I finally reached the bathroom and went directly to the bathtub. Turning the hot water tap on, I sat inside the bathtub without closing the bathroom door. Who's gonna come anyway. I peacefully started to apply body wash on my body when I heard the room door open. I panicked knowing I didn't close the door.

Jimin: Baby~ are you in the bathroom??

Oh it's him.. but still that pervert.

Rose: Yeah and don't even dare to come here.
Jimin: And what if I do??

He said coming inside the bathroom with a smirk. My eyes widened as I went fully inside the water hiding my body.

Rose: Yahhh..
Jimin: It's not like I didn't see you last night.
Rose: J-just get out. Pervert.
Jimin: I won't. Should I join you??
Rose: Nope! Get out. Get out ahhhh.

I whined splashing the water. He giggled and came near me. When I was about to do something he kissed me making me stop. After 10 seconds he broke the kiss and left after smiling at me with a flirty gaze. I hid my face in my palms sliding down the bathtub.

Rose: Close the door, love!
Jimin: Okay.

He closed the door. I sighed and completed my bath. I wrapped myself in the bathrobe as well as my hair in a smaller towel before coming out of the bathroom. There I spotted an pervert sitting using his phone. He looked at me and smiled cheekily. I went towards him as he opened his arms for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck sitting comfortably on his lap. He sniffed my neck and exhaled heavily.

Jimin: You smell so good babygirl.

I chuckled and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

Rose: Why is it so comfortable in your embrace?? I get relaxed easily.
Jimin: That's the magic of our love my princess.

I looked up at him, directly in his eyes.

Rose: Princess??
Jimin: Hmm.. my princess.

He smiled to me which his eyes. I smiled back as he pecked my nose.

Jimin: I can't tell you how happy I have become after being with you. You are my happy pill. The one that heals me.
Rose: You did the same to me. In fact.. who would've thought I would end up with my idol. The one who's voice always healed me when I was broken from the inside.
Jimin: And you will get to hear this voice whenever you want.
Rose: Then sing for me right now. Promise.
Jimin: Sure.. but first, go wear your clothes. I will dry your hair and then we will cuddle as I sing for you.
Rose: Okay~

I got up from his lap and went to my closet to get some clothes. I took out a black hoodie and shorts with my underclothes and went to the bathroom to wear them. I came out after wearing my clothes and took out the dryer to dry my hair. Suddenly Jimin came towards me and took the dryer from me.

Jimin: I will do it. Sit down.

I sat down on the chair as he turned the dryer on and slowly started drying my hair. Brushing his fingers in my silky and soft hair he was so focused on it. He looks so cute. After drying my hair he switched the dryer off and started brushing my hair. After he was done he placed the brush down.

Rose: Can we cuddle now??

He chuckled and nodded. I got up and jumped on him so he would catch me and he did. He walked towards the bed and laid down still holding me.

Jimin: Now should I sing for you baby??
Rose: Yes.. ' Promise '
Jimin: Okay..

' Watch the video and also stream Promise everyone. '


He finished the song and kissed my forehead softly.

Rose: I love you baby~
Jimin: I love you too princess.
Rose: ...Jimin. You won't ever leave me right??
Jimin: Of course not baby. Why would I leave you?? I will stay with you till death.
Rose: I trust you.
Jimin: I trust you too.

He brushed his nose with mine and pulled my head closer to his chest.

°~ To Be Continued ~°



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