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~ Wedding Day ~

~ Rose's POV ~

Rose: Yes mom??
Mom: Are you ready daughter?? Shall we leave now?? Jimin and your dad already left.
Rose: I am ready.

 Rose: I am ready

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I looked at myself once again and sighed before cracking a smile

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I looked at myself once again and sighed before cracking a smile. The day has come. When my goals in life will finally be completed. The day of my marriage.. with the person I love the most. Didn't it.. always feel like a dream..?? Whenever.. we were going to get something we always wanted, it seemed.. so unreal. That we were afraid to wake up and find out it was a dream all along. But not always.. beautiful moments like these are dreams. Sometimes.. things we find unrealistic are the most realistic ones. And that's what life has taught me.

~ Jimin's POV ~

The lights dimmed as Rose walked inside with dad. She's looking so breathtaking in that dress. Soon she reached the stage as I took her hand from dad. We both stood there facing each other smiling widely.

Priest: I'll start now. Mr Park Jimin, only Son of Mr and Mrs Park. Do you take Park Chaeyoung the youngest daughter of Park Yeonhee and Park Seojoon, as your beloved wife?? Do you promise to make her happy for the rest of her life and take care of her in the worst and best??
Jimin: I do.
Priest: Now.. Miss Park Chaeyoung, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Park, Do you take Mr Park Jimin, only son of his parents Mr and Mrs Park as your beloved husband?? Do you promise to make him happy for the rest of your life and take care of him in the worst and best??
Rose: I do.
Priest: Congratulations, I may announce you both as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride now.

I smiled looking deep into her eyes and leaned closer to her ear first.

Jimin: You're mine now.. only mine.
Rose: And I never said that I wasn't.

She playfully giggled before I attached my lips to hers. After a short yet passionate kiss we stood straight as everyone cheered for us.

Priest: Everyone should sit down, the food will be served soon.

He said and got off the stage. We also went down to mom and dad's table. Suzy, Alice, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok everyone is here. And also Jisung.. who's been lurking around Alice since he saw her. Love at first sight I must say.

Mom: Congratulations my children.
Dad: I am proud of you son.
Rose: Thank you mom.
Jimin: Dad can I talk to you for a second??
Dad: Sure.

He came somewhere else with me.

Jimin: Is the house ready??
Dad: Yes of course. Here are the keys. You both will go back to Seoul tonight with all your friends and members.
Jimin: Alright. Thank you for the help.
Dad: My pleasure son. And ah.. aren't you both going for an ultrasound?? What about the gender??
Jimin: We want it to be a surprise.
Dad: Ah I see. Okay then.. let's go back.

I nodded as we came back. I sat down beside Rose on the stage since we don't want to eat here. Not really hungry.

Jimin: You should eat love.
Rose: I am fine. I don't want to eat that.
Jimin: *chuckle* What do you want then baby??
Rose: Take out. KFC.
Jimin: We'll get that when we go home. And we're also going back to Seoul tonight.
Rose: Tonight?? With the others??
Jimin: Yeah. They have booked an entire VIP section on the airplane. We should just go with them too.
Rose: Okay. Jagi.. where will we go from honeymoon??
Jimin: Let me see.. wherever you say.
Rose: Then Paris. I want to go to Paris.
Jimin: Sure. After Paris we'll visit other countries too. But for now we have concerts in a few days. You'll also be coming with us as well as Lisa.
Rose: Oh yeah. We're also revealing the baby.. right??
Jimin: Yes. Do you want to go home now?? We can leave early since everyone will leave in a few minutes.
Rose: No. What about the wedding photos??
Jimin: Ahh.. let's call everyone here then. Let's take photos first. Photographer!! Come here.

The photographer came.

Photographer: Yes sir??
Jimin: We want to take the wedding photos now. Can you call everyone and take pictures??
Photographer: Sure sir.

He went to the member's table and also to mom and dad as they all came. We one by one took pictures with everyone and then a family photo. Then we took some couple photos together in various poses the photographer told us. The guests already left as well as Suzy with her husband. We were now left alone so we also started our cars and sat inside to go home. My members are living at a hotel while Suzy is gonna stay with us till we go back to Seoul tonight. I fastened my seat belt and drove home.


We reached home and got off the car. As soon as we got off I picked Rose in bridal style.

Rose: Place me down I must be heavy.
Jimin: Nope. You're still as light as a feather.

She chuckled and placed her head on my shoulder. Must be tired. As we reached my room I placed her on the bed and closed the door.

Rose: Ah I am so tired.
Jimin: I ordered some food, it'll arrive soon. Let's change first. I'll go to the bathroom to change.

I took my clothes and went to the bathroom. If you're wondering about the first night of marriage then forget about it. She's preggo already. And I also don't know if it's safe. We can wait till the baby is here and when she'll recover from giving birth. I wouldn't dare to make her pregnant again since I know how difficult giving birth is. I don't want my baby to suffer because of my horny ass. Anyways.. I changed my clothes and came out. Rose was still in her dress having a hard time with the zipper. I silently walked behind her and unzipped the zipper making her startled.

Jimin: There. I'll turn around.

I said and turned around. I heard her take her dress off and after a few seconds she tapped my shoulder making me turn back.

Rose: I am done. Jagiya.. can I ask you something??
Jimin: Hmm. What is it??
Rose: About the orphanage.. when will we visit it??
Jimin: About that.. since we are going to Seoul we can't come back before delivery. Probably in 9 months.
Rose: But even if I shouldn't travel.. you can visit them. They miss you a lot everytime you visit after a while.

I smiled and cupped her cheeks.

Jimin: They're fine. They know I can't come and they also know the reason. Don't worry about i-

My phone rang.

Jimin: The food is here. Let's eat and then sleep. We'll leave at midnight for Seoul. We need some rest too.
Rose: Hmm.. okay.

I pecked her lips once before going out to get the delivery.

°~ To Be Continued ~°


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