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Rose entered the studio only to see no one inside. She took the opportunity and directly went to the cabin room. Opening her old cabin she searched everywhere for her notebook but couldn't find it. Until something dropped on the ground..

Rose• My notebook!

She hurriedly picked it up and put it in her bag closing the cabin before coming out. As soon as she came out she hid behind the wall when she saw Sia coming inside.

Rose• Crap what is she doing in here?!

She whispered to herself and took a peek at her. She was standing in the hallway talking to someone on her phone.

Sia• Yeah don't worry, I still have the notebook. I kept it inside her locker, what if she comes?? She will be suspicious. Yeah I will print it now. Okay.. alright then I will text you later. Bye.

Rose scoffed hearing Sia.

Rose• This bitch.. I need to get out of here.

She peeked once again and this time she was standing in front of the kitchen door which was really close to the hallway.

Rose• Only running very fast will work.. I can do this. 3.. 2.. 1..

She ran as fast as she could and got out of the hallway without Sia seeing her.

Sia• Huh!? Who's there!?

Rose got out of the studio before she would come her way.

Rose• Oh gosh. What a thief. I knew I should've never trusted her. Let's go back home.

She took a taxi and left.

° Back at her apartment °

Rose• I am back.

She said taking her shoes and coat off. Alice came and stood near her.

Alice• Did you get it??

Rose• I did.. but you won't believe what I heard. Sia was talking on her phone and she didn't knew I was inside the studio. She said to someone '' yeah don't worry I will print it out. I have kept her notebook in her locker. What if she gets suspicious?? '' Unnie she was planning to steal my songs.

Alice• I knew she wasn't trustworthy. But don't worry now you have the notebook.

Rose• Yeah. Can I get a glass of water?? I ran so fast so she wouldn't see me.

Alice• Sure sit down.

She went and sat on the couch. Alice came back with a glass of water in her hand and gave it to Rose.

Alice• Here.

Rose• Thanks..

She drank the water in one gulp.

Alice• Slow down.

She placed the glass on the table as she took out her notebook and started to check it.

Rose• Everything is still there. And here is the song I am preparing. Only the last part was missing because I didn't write it on my computer.

Alice• So? What are you gonna do now??

Rose• I thought of recording the song but I think it would be fine if I am playing the guitar and singing and you could listen. Does that sound okay??

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