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~ Jimin's POV ~

I came back to the dorm and slammed the door.

Suga You okay??

Jimin • No I am not!! I am not okay!! My life is fucked up!!

I went to my room and shut the door sitting on my bed. I grabbed my hair in frustration.. I just wanted to take it all out.


I threw some things across the room and sat on the ground with tears flowing out of my eyes.. not because she came back, but because I am mad at myself. That I ever dated a slut like her. It's easy for her to come back and say that she is sorry. But it is not easy for me to accept her again.. after all she never loved me.

I got up and walked out of my room.

Suga Where are you going?! Jimin answer me!

I didn't answer and went out again. I entered the elevator and pressed the top floor where the rooftop is. I got out of the elevator as the door opened and opened the rooftop door walking in. I sat on the edge of the wall and looked at the sky letting all of my tears out.

Jimin • Why.. why did you come back again. I don't need you. P-please stop making my life miserable. I wish I was never born! This wouldn't have happened in the first place then.

He continued to sob and let all of his emotions out.. the weather was windy as if it was going to rain. Jimin's eyes were red and swollen from crying. Suddenly someone spoke from his back causing him to wipe his tears and look back.

What is she doing here..

Rose Are you.. o-okay?? I-i came here to get some fresh air but.. I saw you.

Jimin • I-i'm.. I'm fine.

Rose You're sitting too close to the edge.. sit on the bench instead.

I looked at her with puffy eyes and red nose and noticed her innocently looking at me as if she was lost. I looked away and slowly backed off from the edge. I sat on the bench still looking away. She was just standing near me not doing anything so I pulled her hand making her sit down.

Jimin You will get tired.

I spoke with a straight face.

Rose • I-if you don't mind. Can I ask why were you crying??

I looked at her eyes directly maintaining eye contact.

Jimin I'm just.. mad at myself.

Rose But, why??

Jimin • ..someone I hate came back making me realize my mistake again.

Rose Perhaps, your ex?? I-i am just guessing.

I took a glance at her and looked away again.

Jimin Your good at guessing.

Rose Did she.. hurt you a lot??

Jimin She's a mistake I made in the past, that somehow made my life miserable. I was moving on from her when she came back.

Rose Do you still love her??

Jimin • I am not dumb.. I have moved on.

Rose • Then stop crying. She doesn't even deserve your tears. You are mad at yourself then forget about your past.. you said you have moved on yet you are still mad at yourself.

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