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~ Rose's POV ~

I was sleeping when I suddenly woke up feeling like I need to throw up. I got up from my bed quickly before rushing to the bathroom sink. I threw up.. I washed my mouth and hands before closing the water tap. Why do I feel nauseous all of a sudden??

Rose: It's literally mid night..

I shrugged it off and came back. I just remembered.. where is Jimin?? I slept with me last night. I checked the time.. 5:56 AM. It's still early. I should sleep some more. I laid back down to sleep and closed my eyes. But after a few minutes I opened my eyes again.

Rose: I am hungry..

I sighed and got up again walking out of my room. Walking to the kitchen I opened the fridge and took out some ice cream since that's the only thing eatable. Suddenly my eyes fell on the guest room, it's lights were on. I decided to check it.. I slowly walked to it and knocked on the door.

Jimin: Uh oh. Baby you're awake?? What's wrong??

I walked inside as he spoke. He was doing something on his laptop.

Rose: Why are you here?? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping??
Jimin: I just had some work. But why are you awake??
Rose: I felt hungry..
Jimin: Ahh.. I see. Do you want me to make something for you??
Rose: Hmm no. I wanna cuddle.

I said and walked up to him. I sat down in his lap while facing him and hugged his chest placing my head on his shoulder. Soon I felt his hand caressing my hair making me sleepy again so I closed my eyes.

Jimin: Sleep some more.

I felt him kiss my head before I eventually fell asleep.

~ Jimin's POV ~

I closed my laptop and wrapped my arms around her as I rested my back on the sofa. Just now I was checking some places for picnic and also camping in Busan since we are going there. She got hungry in the middle of the night.. isn't that also a symptom?? I smiled while thinking about being a father. But I am still not sure. And I can't tell her to take a test.. I'll just wait.


I opened my eyes feeling a warm sensation. I opened my eyes and saw my baby still sleeping on me. I silently chuckled and kissed her head.

Jimin: Baby.. Jagiya.. Yeobo.. sunshine.
Rose: Hmm.. what.
Jimin: Wake up now.
Rose: No. Just a little more.
Jimin: We have to pack for our trip don't you remember??
Rose: But we're leaving at 4 right??
Jimin: Yes. But we still have to hurry. It's 10 AM already.

She flutter opened her eyes and looked at me cutely with a pout on her lips. She rubbed her eyes and now properly looked at me with squinted eyes.

Jimin: What??

I said with a small laugh.

Rose: I am feeling sick again.. shouldn't we go to the doctor??

I smiled and nodded slightly getting the idea she threw up again last night.

Jimin: Okay. Get ready and we'll go to the doctor first.
Rose: Okay.

She got up from my lap going to her room.

Jimin: *sigh* I am just afraid.. what will your reaction be if you really do have my baby in your stomach.. I would be more than happy to be the father of our child.

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