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Alice • Here you go. Enjoy.

She said placing the food in front of Rose.

Rose • Wow.. looks yummy. Probably tastes yummy as well.

She said and took a bite. She immediately 'mm'ed liking the food.

Rose So delicious.

Alice • Glad you liked it. I am going to work now I took a leave till 5. Bye.. take care and lock the door.

Rose Okay Unnie.. be careful on your way.

Alice left.
Rose took out her phone as it buzzed. She checked the message still eating and chocked reading the message.

Rose • -cough- -cough- WHAT!? 'Dear Roseanne Park, you have passed the audition congratulations. As you've passed we would like you to become a trainee in Hybe Labels'..?! A trainee?! Do I have to stay in a dorm then?? Let me read further 'You have a meeting with Bang PD tomorrow. Please arrive at Hybe Labels at 9 AM. Thank you, Hybe Labels.' And then the address for the building.. well I already have that. A meeting with Bang PD.. oh gosh. Let me call Alice unnie real quick.

She dialled Alice's number and called her. She picked up after 3 rings.

~ Call ~

Alice: What happened Rosie??

Rose: Uhm unnie.. I received the message from Hybe and.. they want me to be a trainee.

Alice • Well.. that's normal Rose. To become an idol you have to become a trainee first. Are you worried you will have to stay away from me??

Rose Hmm.. we'll talk when you get home.. bye.

She hung up.
Rose placed her plates in the sink and went to her room. She plopped herself on her bed and sighed. She buried her head in the pillow.

' Trainee.. I will miss Alice unnie a lot.. ' She thought.
She suddenly heard the door of the apartment open making her confused. She got up from her bed and walked outside.

Rose • Unnie?? Is that you??

She walked towards the door only to see no one there.

Rose • That's weird.. ALICE UNNIE?? IS THAT YOU??

No response.. she started getting scared and went towards Alice's room. She slowly opened the door and peeked inside.. no one. She flinched when suddenly something dropped in the kitchen. She quickly towards the kitchen.

Rose • Who's there!? I said who's there!?

No one replied.. she was about to walk inside the kitchen when someone placed a knife on her neck.

?? Don't move and scream or I will slit your throat.

Rose • Wh-who are you?!

?? • You don't need to know. Tell me where all your money is.

Rose • Wh-why would I tell you?

?? • Do you have a death wish lady?? Do as I say or I will kill you. Take me to your room.

Rose • O-okay.. th-that o-one.

?? Open the door.

He said as Rose slowly walked towards her room with him still pointing the knife at her. She opened the door and entered her room.

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