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~ Jimin's POV ~

We are right now driving to Lisa's house to pick her up. I sneakily took out my phone as Jungkook is driving. Opening weverse I added a post.

' Everyone, I am planning on making a YouTube channel with Rosie. Are you excited?? '

I kept my phone aside again.

Rose: Where will we go though??
Jimin: Hmm.. first we will go to a water park, then we will go somewhere.. which is a surprise for you. After that a surprise for Lisa. Then we will go back.
Rose: Surprise?? What type of surprise specifically??
Jimin: You'll know.
JK: Gotta wait Noona.
Rose: Aresseo (okay)

She put her arm around mine and placed her head on my shoulder.

Jimin: Rosie.. I have a question.
Rose: Hmm yeah??
Jimin: If I suddenly propose you one day. What will your answer be??
Rose: You've asked this question before and my answer is the same. You'll find out when you really do so.
Jimin: Aigoo..

We remained silent for the entire ride after that. We reached Lisa's apartment and she came outside. She sat inside and greeted us before Jungkook drove off to the water park.


We reached the park and got off the car. Rose was walking side to side with Lisa holding her hand.

Rose: It's gonna be so fun!!
Lisa: Yeah!! It's my first time I am hanging out with you!!

I chuckled and patted Rose's head from behind.

Jimin: I thought you were supposed to be holding my hand.

I said pouting playfully. She giggled.

Rose: I will. Later.
Jungkook: But I want to be with my Lili.

Lisa looked at Rose and playfully smirked.

Lisa: I will be. LATER.

Thet both giggled and walked more quickly.

Jungkook: Yah!!
Jimin: Chaeyoungshi !!

I called her by her real name making her turn back with squinted eyes.

Jimin: What??
Rose: What hEHe. Don't call me that Park.
Jimin: That's your real name!!
Rose: I know. But it's cringe hearing my Korean name.
Jimin: Okay okay. But please I want to hold your hand~

She sighed and came by my side holding my hand. I smiled at her. Lisa also came and held Jungkook's hand.

Rose: Let's go for the big slide!!
Lisa: Yeah.
Jimin: Sure.

We walked to the ticket seller and bought four tickets before going inside. The staff gave us free swimmers and we went one by one to change into them. We came back after changing into them and went straight up the stairs.

Staff: Two people in one floaty.

We nodded and sat on the floaty. Me and Rose in one while Jungkook and Lisa in one. The staff slowly pushed the boat making Rose tighten her grip on my hand. I chuckled and spoke.

Jimin: Are you scared?? Look at the beautiful scenery in front of us.
Rose: I am not scared- AH--

She screamed as the boat went down the slide. Water splashing in both of us as we giggled through out the entire slide.

Rose: It's so fun- oh fu- My eyes!!

She rubbed her eyes as water went directly into it.

Jimin: Just keep your eyes squinted a little.

She did as I said and after a few seconds we were in the pool of water below. We got off the boat and went out of the pool.. we went to many other rides and had a lot of fun til 8 PM. After the water park rides there was a shower room their so we all took a quick shower and changed back into our clothes.

Jimin: I am hungry now. Sea food for today??
Lisa: Sure.
Rose: Sounds good. But I don't like shrimps or stuff. Only sushi, fried fish and any dish with boiled rice.
Jimin: Okay okay. Let's go, it's near here.

We all sat inside the car and drove for 5 minutes only before reaching the restaurant. We got off and went inside and reserved a table for four before settling down.

Rose: Oh I am tired.
Lisa: Me too. When will the food be here??
JK: We ordered already it'll be here soon. Why don't we take pictures til then??
Jimin: Yeah. Me and Rose can post it and you can do it after revealing your relationship.
Lisa: Okay!!

Jungkook took out his phone while I took out mine. I took a picture of Rose first and then a selfie. Jungkook also took pictures of Lisa and him,We took some pictures at the park too.
A few minutes later the food arrived and we started eating. I secretly took a picture of Rose while she was eating. Stunning as always my love. I placed down my phone again and smiled before continuing to eat my food.

~•~ Time skip ~•~

We finished eating and paid the bill before going back to the car. When we were about to sit inside we saw a camera flash making us all look at one direction. Our eyes widened.. oh no.

Jimin: Hey you come here-

I ran after the photographer who took a picture of us. Specifically of Lisa and Jungkook. He ran away but too bad I am faster than him. I caught him and held his collar.

Jimin: Having fun huh?? Maybe next time you should turn the flash off.

I said before snatching his camera and deleted all the photos. To my surprise it had more then one. Of us and also many other people, meaning idols. Which included Jin hyung..?? With a girl?? what?? Anyways let's print out this one and delete the others.

Jimin: You little- I am letting you go this time. If I find you ever again, you're dead. Take this.

I handed the camera back to him and put the picture in my pocket. But then an idea popped in my mind.

Jimin: Hey wait. You also took a picture of Jin Hyung, when was that??
Man: Uh.. yesterday..??
Jimin: Do you have a clear photo of the girl's face??
Man: No sir. He was about to catch me so I didn't get a chance.
Jimin: Hmm I see. Anyways.. I have a work for you. You have to follow Jin Hyung and give me every detail of where he goes. And you will get money for that. But if you leak the pictures.. got it??
Man: Y-yes sir. Here's my number sir I will send the pictures to you here.
Jimin: Oh okay. Here's an advance. Bye.

I patted his shoulder and left. When I came back they were all standing outside the car.

Jimin: Sorry guys I had to delete the pictures from his camera.
JK: Oh that's fine. Let's go home now.

I nodded and we all sat inside the car. Soon he drove off to our dorm.

°~ To Be Continued ~°


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