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~ Jimin's POV ~

Jimin: Are you ready?

Rose: Yeah!

Jimin: Here we go then!!

I said and took her hand as we both ran off the cliff and soon found ourselves gliding in the air.

Rose: It's so high up.

Jimin: But it's fun. Let's turn!!

I grabbed the rope that was attached to the glider and pulled it turning our direction.

Rose: Ah- Now I am scared. We are so high up!

Jimin: Don't be scared I'm with you! Shall we land now?

Rose: Yeah sure.

Soon we were gliding downwards and were close to landing. We landed safely near a hill.

Rose: That was fun.

Jimin: But you were scared.

Rose: No I wasn't.

Jimin: Wahh, first you said you got scared and then you deny it. Amazing baby.

Rose: Okay okay. Shall we head back now??

Jimin: Yeah. Take the jacket off.

We both started unbuckling the safety jackets. I took off mine and saw her struggling with it. I chuckled and went near her to help her.

Jimin: Why can't you do a simple thing hmm.

Rose: Because I know you are there to help me.

She grinned making me giggle. I took off her jacket and pecked her nose.

Jimin: Let's go they will take their things themselves.

Rose: Jimin-ah..

Jimin: Hmm, yes?

Rose: When are your holidays ending?

Jimin: Oh, tomorrow.

Rose: Ah really? Then you will become busy again?

Jimin: Uhm.. we have a world tour coming up in a week. Starting from Seoul, then 3 other countries. It might take a while.

I looked at her with sad eyes. She pouted and nodded and I could see the sadness from her face.

Rose: It's okay. We can call everyday!

Jimin: Are you really not going to miss me??

Rose: No, we can call. It's fine, it's only for a month or two. Right??

I nodded noticing her actions. She is trying to hide the fact that she was upset. But no one knows her better than me.

Jimin: Okay then, we will call everyday. I will still miss you tho.

Rose: It's okayyy.

She came near me and kissed my cheek. She held my hand and took me to the car. We both sat inside the car and I drove off back to our company.

Rose: Baby.

Jimin: Hmm.

Rose: Don't you meet your mom?

Jimin: I do. She isn't in Seoul these days.

Rose: Where is she??

Jimin: Daegu. That's our hometown so she visits our relatives once in a while. But she lives in Seoul.

Rose: Ah okay.

Jimin: Why?? Do you want to meet her??

Rose: I mean, I wouldn't mind to meet her. Does she know about me??

Jimin: No, not yet. I will tell her soon and we will go to meet her together.

Rose: Okayy.

Jimin: We are here, let's go.

We got off the car and went inside our company. We went to our dorms, how do I tell her I have training.

Jimin: Uh, Rose.

Rose: Hmm? What happened?

Jimin: I have to go. I have training.

Rose: Oh.

She looked at me and nodded slowly. I sighed and pulled her for a hug.

Jimin: Just tell me if you are sad. I don't like to see you like this.

Suddenly I felt my shirt getting wet. My eyes widened and I pulled out of the hug.

Jimin: Why are you crying?

I cupped her cheeks making her look at me.

Rose: I don't want you to go! *sob* I can't stay a day without you and you're talking about a month or two.

Jimin: Baby, I can't do anything.

Rose: Just.. go. I don't want to talk to anyone.

Jimin: Rosie wait!

She ran inside her dorm and slammed the door. I sighed and pushed my hair back. I took a deep breath and took a last glance at her dorm before going to the practice room.

~ Practice room ~

I entered the room and slowly walked towards the others.

Hoseok: Everything fine?? Why are you upset??

I looked at Hobi Hyung and nodded.

Jimin: Everything is fine. Just.. Rose got upset after hearing about the tour.

JK: I knew that would happen. Did she cry??

Jimin: Hmm, she said she doesn't want to talk to anyone.

Namjoon Hyung patted my shoulder.

RM: It's okay. She will be fine in a few days or even hours. Anyways, Let's start our training and you will forget about it soon. Come on.

I slowly nodded and got up. We started our practice soon.

~ Rose's POV ~

I came inside my room and laid in my bed upside down. I kept crying even though I tried to stop but my emotions just kept coming out. In these few days I have gotten attached to him more then anyone else and staying away from him even for just a day doesn't sound great to me.

Not knowing when I fell asleep as I was getting tired of crying.

~ Time skip ~

Jimin got free from his training around 1AM and directly came to Rose's dorm. He opened her room door and saw her sleeping in an uncomfortable position. He closed the room door and went near her. Slowly picking her up he placed her carefully on the pillow. He sighed and kissed her forehead laying beside her, he hugged her from the back.

Jimin: Sleep well love. I love you.

He whispered and softly pecked the top of her head drifting off to his dreamland.

°~ To Be Continued ~°

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