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~ Rose's POV ~
Everyone was sitting at the table eating and chatting. The room was filled with laughters and positive vibes. Alice unnie was also here.

Jin: Once Suga was so drunk that he called Taehyung even though he was sitting next to him. We all looked at him like bro you drunk??
Suga: I was drunk okay??
Hoseok: Yeah yeah we know.
Alice: I remember one time Rose got so drunk that she came to me and grabbed my face saying 'wHo aRE yOu?? YOu ArE pReETy. '.
Rose: Yah I don't remember that.
JK: Everyone pretends to not know when it comes to their embarrassing moments.
Jimin: That's true.

Once again we all laughed. My eyes wandered around everyone and seeing them all happy made me happy. My eyes fell on Jimin who was staring at me with a smile on his face.

Rose: Take a picture it will last longer.
Jimin: Haha.. I am just admiring my baby.

He whispered enough audible that only I could hear him. I smiled and took the last bite of my food.

Rm: Stop whispering to each other we are also here.
Jimin: You go find yourself someone to talk to. Because we aren't stopping.

He smiled cheekily making me giggle.

Alice: Well Jimin.. I came to a conclusion that whenever Rose is made at you, just break a bone. She will be just fine.
Rose: Haha very funny.

I glared at her.

Jimin: I hope that time won't ever come. And we stay happy for the rest of our lives.
Rose: Hmm. Well unnie.. why don't you find someone too.
Alice: Nah man. I am good.
Jin: Yeah we are good.
Hoseok: Agreed.
Rm: True.
Suga: I am not even interested.
Taehyung: Let's just forget about being in a relationship for now.

Everyone spoke whole Jungkook stayed silent making himself suspicious. We all turned out head to him as he innocently gulped his food and chuckled nervously.

Jin: Kook.. don't you want to say something??
JK: Uh well-
Hoseok: Are you hiding something??
JK: N-no!! Why would I h-hide something??
Alice: Just tell us if you have someone. It's not like we mind anyways right guys??
Jin: Well yeah.
JK: Uhm.. M-maybe??
Suga: Well in my case maybe is a yes. Since when!?
JK: Before Jimin Hyung.. hehe.

He spoke making all us shocked. Jimin chocked on his food.

Jimin: *cough* What the-
Rose: Exact date, tell us.
JK: About 2 days before you both went on your first date. The fireworks one.
Rm: Wahh maknae you have grown up. Who is it??
JK: Do you want to meet her??
Taehyung: Of course!!
JK: So.. how about today?? We can go to her apartment.
Jin: Sure that's fine.
JK: Then get ready. I will tell her right now.
Alice: Am I coming too??
Hoseok: Yeah. Everyone is done with breakfast so let's go get ready.

We all got up from our seats. Jimin also got up as his foot is better than before.

Rose: Can you walk??
Jimin: I think so.

He slowly walked to his room followed by me. I went to his closet and took out some clothes.

Rose: Are these fine??
Jimin: Hmm.

I placed the clothes next to him on the bed.

Rose: Should I help you change??
Jimin: Yeah.

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