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~ Rose's POV ~

Finally the shooting for day 1 was done. Everyone clapped and bowed to each other.

Rose: Good work everyone!!
Director: You too Rose. Good work. See you tomorrow. It's the last day of shoot tomorrow.
Rose: Yeah thank you Director Nim. Bye everyone.

I bowed and went to the car with my manager who is actually very kind.

Manager: Directly at the company or??
Rose: No I will go home directly.
Manager: Ah Jimin must be waiting for you.
Rose: Oh yeah haha.

He stayed quiet and drove back to the company. Soon we reached the company and I got off the car. I was about to go inside the company when a girl stopped me..

Suzy: Rose listen to me.. I don't have any bad intention I just want to talk. Can I talk with you??

I looked behind me as the manager was looking at us. I nodded and told him to go. He nodded and left.

Rose: Speak.
Suzy: Rose.. I want to say I am sorry. I am sorry that I interfered in your and Jimin's life. I was blinded by his fame, looks and money. I used to hook up with different guys too.. I have realized I did wrong. I shouldn't have been like that. I am a slut that made other's life miserable. I wanted to say sorry to Jimin too but I can't face him. Please tell him I said sorry. I won't meet you guys anymore. I wish you success and a happy life together. I have also gotten engaged.. I will get married and go to Japan with him.

I got shocked when she got emotional while saying it. I think she is sincere this time. I smiled and held her hand.

Rose: It's alright. Now that you have understood not to annoy others I forgive you. Just think Jimin also forgave you. I wish you a happy life with your soon to be husband.. if you don't mind. Can I ask is he the father of your child??

I asked her catching her off guard. She lowered her head and nodded.

Suzy: He is a very kind person. And when he got to know I was pregnant with his child.. he said we should get married. He will make me happy and make me a better person. But how do you know??
Rose: When last time you came.. the test dropped out of her bag. I threw it away.
Suzy: Ah I see. Anyways.. thank you for your kindness and time. I should leave now.
Rose: It's okay. I wish you a happy life with him and your child. Here keep my number.. I would love to come to your wedding too if you would invite me.
Suzy: Oh of course. Thank you for your number I will call you later. The cards aren't printed yet so I will give it to you soon-
??: Suzy!! Bae here you are.

Said a man coming towards Suzy.

Suzy: Oh I am sorry Jagi. Ah this is Rose.. my friend. Rose this is Jaehyun.. my fiance.
Rose: Nice to meet you.
Jaehyun: Nice to meet you too. We are getting late, bae did you forget we have dinner with mom and dad??
Suzy: Oh shoot. Sorry I have to go now. I will call you later. Bye Rose!!
Rose: Bye!

She left in his car with him. I smiled.. I hope she lives a nice life now. Sighing I went inside the company and went inside the elevator. I pressed the number of my floor and waited for the door to open. Soon I reached my floor as the doors opened. I went outside and walked to my dorm. I typed in the password and went inside.

Rose: Baby I am home.
Jimin: Oh! I am here.

I changed my shoes and went inside just to find him in the kitchen cooking something.

Rose: What are you doing??

I said going close to him. He took a spoon full of honey salad and held it in front of my face saying Aaa. I chuckled and ate it.

Jimin: How's it??
Rose: It's yummy. What else did you make??
Jimin: Gimbap, a bowl of boiled rice and fried chicken.
Rose: Woah that's all my favorite. Thank you!

I kissed both of his cheeks making him giggle. I walked to the food that was placed on the table. Suddenly I felt two pair of muscular arms embracing me from the back. He buried his face in the crook of my neck.

Rose: Hmm.. what happened??
Jimin: I missed you.
Rose: But I was only gone for 5 hours.
Jimin: Hmm.. I just missed you.

I held his hand and turned around. He wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me closer.

Jimin: Where's my kiss??
Rose: What kiss??
Jimin: Come on.

I smiled and tilted my head kissing him. He fully pressed my body against his. He broke the kiss after a minute and looked at me.

Jimin: You must be tired. Let's eat dinner and then cuddle.
Rose: Okie.

He took my hand and pulled me to sit on the chair. I sat on the chair beside him. I took the chopsticks and was about to eat when suddenly I felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom. I threw up in the sink.. Jimin followed me and held my hair in his hands caressing my back.

Jimin: Why are you throwing up?? Are you feeling okay??

I washed my mouth and spoke.

Rose: I am fine. Maybe just because I ate street food earlier. Let's go back.
Jimin: Then you shouldn't eat Gimbap. Just eat the honey salad and I will make a soup for you.
Rose: No no it's okay. I wanna eat Gimbap.
Jimin: ..okay. Let's go.

~ Jimin's POV ~

We came back to the table and sat down again. We started eating our food..

Rose: Mmm it's good.
Jimin: Glad you liked it.

I smiled and continued eating. When we were both done eating I got up and took the plates to the sink.

Jimin: Let's cuddle now.
Rose: Let's go!

She walked to the room while jumping in tiny and holding my hand. I giggled and ruffled her hair. We both laid down on the bed hugging each other tightly. I buried my face in her neck and closed my eyes.

Rose: I should change first baby.
Jimin: No. It's okay.

She chuckled and played with my hair slowly caressing it.

Jimin: Baby.. can you promise me one thing??
Rose: What is it??
Jimin: Promise me that you'll never hide something from me. Even if you think I won't like it.
Rose: Okay.. promise. Than you should promise me not to fight with me in any type of situation.
Jimin: Promise.
Rose: Hmm.. also Jimin. You should spend some time with your hyungs too. You are here all the time.
Jimin: I will go tomorrow.
Rose: You know, my debut shootings are all done. And my debut is announced that it will be 3 days before new year. It's coming near.
Jimin: New year is a week later. Then it's 4 days later??
Rose: Yeah.
Jimin: You will get busy with debut showcase, your first fan sign which is just a week after debut in our company. And then your idol life will start to get busier.
Rose: But obviously I will still be with you. Because I love you.
Jimin: *chuckle* I love you too.

°~ To Be Continued ~°


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