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Alice • Make up artist??

Bang PD • Yes.

Alice • Uhm.. I can do makeup but.. I don't know if I am good enough.

Bang PD • Well don't worry about that. Once you start working, others will guide you. And also, this is an advantage to you and Rose. You will stay where all the other artists stay. Some of them came from a far away place so they stay in this building, There's one room free for you. And your pay will be way more then your current one.

Alice • I think.. I will work then.

She said making Rose smile.

Bang PD • Good choice. You can move with the other artists when Rose becomes a trainee.

Alice Sure.

Bang PD • Back to Rose, So during your Trainee time, feel free to interact with any idol but you know they are senior so you will have to respect them. On the other hand, about having a relationship.. feel free for that as well.

Rose • Oh. I thought dating wasn't allowed??

Bang PD • Well.. it's a secret that kpop idols can date. But they have to keep their relationship hidden, do you have a boyfriend??

Rose Oh, no. I haven't really found someone my type. And I think it's hard to find someone who fits my standards.

Bang PD Really?? -chuckle- what are your standards then?

Rose Um.. probably someone who keeps me happy and loves me genuinely and respects my decisions. And also.. someone who has a pretty smile.

Bang PD Oh.. someone definitely fits in them.

Rose • ..who??

Bang PD Don't worry, You'll meet him soon.

Rose Ah..

Bang PD Oh, Rose.. I actually know what happened yesterday. Outside the building.

Rose • ..that audition girl one?

Bang PD • Yes. Thank you for telling the truth or. Jimin would've been in big trouble.

Rose I just told the truth.. because that girl was saying non sense. Anyway, I think we should go now. Good afternoon.

Bang PD Alright, see you again.

Alice helped Rose stand up and took her home.

~ At their apartment ~

Rose • Everything is good now. PD nim actually shocked me, idols are allowed to date??

Alice • Yeah that was quite shocking. I mean- who would've known.

Rose • Yeah.. anyways. Are you really going to work as a makeup artist?

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