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~ Rose's POV ~

Alice unnie and I decided to go to the club so I am getting ready.

I took my purse and left the dorm

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I took my purse and left the dorm.

Alice unnie was waiting outside the building for me so as I reached out we both took a taxi and left.

~ At the Club ~

We both entered the club and loud music immediately hit our ears. We walked towards the bar and sat down on the stool in front of it.

Alice • There are so many people here.

Rose • Yeah. Shall we order something??

Alice • Let's not drink and just order juice.

Rose • Okay.. excuse me. Two lemon and orange mix juice for us.

Bartender • Okay.

He walked away. We were sitting there watching people dance. TBH I wanted to dance too but nah.

Alice • Rose I am getting a call I will be back.

Rose • A-ah okay be quick.

She went outside. Sitting alone in a club sometimes scares me.. Suddenly a man came and sat on the chair unnie was sitting on. I decided not to look at him and moved my chair away a little. For some reason I felt him staring at me making me uncomfortable. I was playing with my fingers waiting for unnie to come back so we can go somewhere else but she was taking so long. The bartender placed the juices in front of me.. I took my glass and drank it in one go.

?? • Relax.. why are you in a hurry??

I ignored him not wanting to talk. He then ordered a tequila for him. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look at who it was. It was him again. I moved his hand away but he kept putting it there.

Rose • What the hell is your problem??

?? • -chuckle- You.. you are my problem sweetie. You've made me needy.

My eyes widened in disgust and I got up to leave but he pulled me back by my wrist. He got up as well and dragged me out of the club, I was trying to get out of his grip but he was way stronger than me.

Rose • Leave me alone you jerk!!

He kept pulling me and took me at the back of the club. He pinned me on the wall with both of my hand on top of my head.

Rose • Leave me alone!! W-why are you doing this!?

?? • I told you already baby girl. You are too hot to resist.

He started coming near me and tears of fear started filling my eyes. I tried to move my face away but he kept moving closer. I quickly kicked his thing and tried to run but he got up and ran to me again. He again pinned me to the wall.

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