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" I am so sorry but it's Fake Love (fake love) Fake Love (fake love) Fake Love (fake love).. I wanna be a good man. "

The sound of music echoed through the concert hall as Armys screamed and chanted their lungs out. It was the first day of Las Vegas Permission to Dance Concert and everyone was hyped to attend it. It had just started and the first song was Fake Love.


Armys chanted as the song was coming to an end. Fake Love performance ended smoothly and then the second song started which was DNA.

~ After the performances ~

Jimin: Hello Army!! Wahh.. it's so nice to see everyone here.
Jin: I know right. It's been a long time.
Tae: But as we are back after a long time, I think the amount of armys has increased. Just look around the stadium!!
Hoseok: So true. It's so heartwarming.
JK: Army, are you enjoying??

Loud cheers could be heard from the armys.

Suga: So let's enjoy more. Now is time for some more songs. So let's enjoy ' So what '. Bring it on.

~ Time skip ~

Jimin: So.. the concert is coming to an end-
Hoseok: Jimin Look at the screen.

He turned around to look at the big screen. An army with a sign, " Stay happy with the love of your life forever Jiminie " Jimin got shocked.

Jimin: Do you know who is the love of my life?? How are you so sure??

He said still looking at the screen. And then that army pulled out another sign. " I know everything. I even know her name starts with ' R ' "

Jimin: What??, you are scaring me army.

"Is it true oppa!? Are you dating??"
An army screamed.

Jimin: Ah well.. you'll know soon. But one thing, you army in the pink shirt. Shhh got it??

He said as that army showed an Ok sign.

Jimin: Yeah that's right. Haha.

~ After the concert ~

~ Jimin's POV ~

We came back to our rooms and decided to rest. I changed my clothes and then laid on the bed. But then my hotel room door knocked. I groaned and got up to open it. When I opened the door I felt my blood boiling in anger when I saw who it was.

Jimin: Are you a fool or something Suzy?? How many times did I tell you to not come after me again!!
Suzy: Jimin just listen. I came here to say goodbye.. I know I can't get you back now. So at least.. can I get a last hug?? It's just a friendly one..

She said with innocent eyes and I couldn't help but be convinced that she was actually going to leave me alone now. I sighed and nodded. She slowly came near me and hugged me.. it just wasn't the same as it used to be when we were together. I didn't feel anything while hugging her like I used to do.

Jimin: I think that's enough.

She parted away and left without saying anything.

Jimin: Weird..

I went back inside my hotel room and closed the door. Let's sleep for some time.

~ Some days later ~

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