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~ Rose's POV ~

I helped him lay on his bed and tucked him in. His foot also has an injury. I was about to leave but he held my wrist and pulled me back making me fall on him but not completely.

Jimin: Please stay..

He said looking deep in my eyes. All I could see in his eyes was love, worry and sadness. Is it just be or whenever I look in his eyes I have the sudden urge to kiss him. My eyes went down to his lips as I gulped and looked back in his eyes.

Jimin: Hmm?? Please..

I looked down and fixed myself freeing myself from his grip. Although I want to forget about everything but I just can't. I went to the other side of the bed and sat on it to use my mobile. I could feel him staring at me but I decided not to show it.

Jimin: Baby.. please talk to me.

I looked at him.

Rose: Just rest.
Jimin: I don't want to.
Rose: Then go die like you were going to earlier.

He sighed giving up.

Jimin: Maybe I really should have died. Then maybe you would realize I didn't do anything.

I didn't respond nor look at him for a few minutes.. and then when I looked at him, he had tears rolling down his cheeks. I panicked and ran towards him.

Rose: Y-yah.. what's your problem??
Jimin: I-i am the one suffering even though I did nothing!! My only sin is that I loved you more than myself.. why can't you understand..

My heart broken into million pieces. I hugged him patting his back.

Rose: I told you already, forget about what happened for now please..
Jimin: You are the one.. the one that's distancing herself from me. Go ask Namjoon Hyung or anyone!! I was practicing with them the whole day and at night I only talked to you or fell asleep. I didn't even have enough time to take care of myself and you're saying I was with her.. why don't you understand its all her planning to make us break up.. she just wants me to be alone and so that she can get me back. But I know.. I know that day won't come.
Rose: I am sorry.. it's all my fault I believed that stupid post. In fact.. I am ashamed.. because I doubted you. I-I am sorry.

He broke the hug and looked in my eyes while caressing my cheeks. I looked down because I don't have the courage to look in his eyes right now. But he held my chin up with his hand making me look at me. He suddenly kissed the tears that were rolling down my eyes.

Jimin: It's not your fault. If it was anyone else they would have believed it too. Doesn't that mean we just love each other endlessly?? We can't see our other half with someone else, because it hurts us.

He was looking deep in my soul making me get shivers from his gaze. I slowly nodded to what he said and wiped his tears that were still on his cheeks. He smiled and held my cheek before kissing me. The soft and passionate way of his kiss was making me feel butterflies as if it was my first kiss. Without even noticing blood rushed up to my cheeks. He broke the kiss and chuckled.

Jimin: Why are your cheeks red??
Rose: H-huh?? N-no they aren't.
Jimin: If you say so.

He giggled again and pecked my forehead. I got up and went to the other side of the bed and laid beside him, hugging him from the side. He pulled me closer to his chest by placing his arm around me. I placed my head and hand on his chest as he placed his head on mine. I could feel his heartbeat very closely and it was easy to tell it was a little fastened. We stayed silent for some time and the loud silence was making me sleepy so I closed my eyes. And just in a few minutes fell asleep being tired of crying for so long.


Both of them fell asleep like that while Jungkook and Jin were outside of the room eavesdropping them the whole time.

Jungkook: I think they fell asleep.
Jin: Check.

He peeked inside the room and saw both of them sleeping peacefully. He smiled and closed the door again.

Jungkook: They are sleeping let's go.
Jin: Finally they will get some rest. Let's not wake them up and sleep as well.
Jungkook: But it's only 11 PM.
Jin: You bunny head don't you remember we have to go somewhere.
Jungkook: Oh yeah sorry sorry. Let's go sleep. Goodnight.
Jin: Goodnight.

Both of them went to their rooms and slept.

- Next Morning -

~ Jimin's POV ~

I woke up feeling a little pain in my neck. When I opened my eyes I realized we both slept in a very uncomfortable position. I groaned and moved my head a little trying to crack up my stuff muscles. I looked at Rose who was still sleeping. Her eyes were still swollen making me sigh. I took my mobile and looked at the time. It was almost 10 AM. I shook Rose a little to wake her up.

Jimin: Rosie~ Baby wake up.
Rose: Hmm..
Jimin: It's 10 already and you are sleeping uncomfortably. Your muscles will get stiff.
Rose: Ah-

She groaned while massaging her neck too. I chuckled.

Jimin: I told you.
Rose: Oh my neck.
Jimin: Come here.

I turned her around and massaged her neck for a few minutes.

Jimin: Is it okay now??
Rose: Hmm.. leave it. I will go to the bathroom first.
Jimin: Okay. Do you want to take a shower??
Rose: Uhm yeah.
Jimin: Okay just wear my clothes.
Rose: Okie thanks.

She ran to the bathroom making me giggle. I took my phone and texted Jungkook to come to my room. After a few minutes he came.

Jungkook: Yeah bro??
Jimin: Did you go somewhere?? Why are you wearing formal clothes??
Jungkook: Oh yeah me and Jin hyung had to go somewhere. Forget about that, tell me. Why did you call me??
Jimin: Take a towel and go to the kitchen. Take some ice cubes and wrap them inside the towel and then give it to me.
Jungkook: What for??
Jimin: Can you do what I said mr Jeon??
Jungkook: Geez okay.

He left my room. Some time later he came back and handed me the towel.

Jimin: Thanks. Is everyone awake??
Jungkook: Unfortunately no. Hoseok and Yoongi Hyung are still sleeping.
Jimin: Then wake them up it's 10:40 already.
Jungkook: Okay. Anything else??
Jimin: No. You can go.
Jungkook: Why do I feel like a servant right now??

He said walking to the door.

Jimin: Because that's what the maknae does.
Jungkook: Great.

He walked out. I chuckled and shook my head. After a few minutes Rose came out of the bathroom wearing my oversized shirt and some shorts. She was drying her hair with the towel.

Jimin: Baby come here.
Rose: What is it??

She sat near me. I took the towel and handed it to her.

Jimin: Place this on your eyes for a few minutes. It will get less swollen.
Rose: Ah.. okay.

She did as I said and placed the towel on her eyes.

Rose: It's cold. I will do it later for now let's go outside.
Jimin: Help me.

She got up and helped me get up. Supporting me from my arm she took me outside.

°~ To Be Continued ~°


Hehe <33

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