THE • 47 • END

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8 Months Later..

~ Third Person POV ~

Rose slowly walked down the stairs holding her baby bump which was now fully grown. Her due date is near.

Rose: Jagiya!! Where are you??

She called Jimin. He came from the kitchen.

Jimin: Be careful.. what's wrong??

He helped her to walk down.

Rose: I am suddenly feeling cramps in my stomach.
Jimin: Huh?? But isn't your due date next week??
Rose: It is but it's not exact. I think I am having contractions.
Jimin: Then come here and sit. Should I call Lea??
Rose: I.. don't know.

He made her sit down on the couch and took out his phone.

- OTP -

Jimin: Oh, good afternoon Lea. Uh there's a problem. Rose is starting to have contractions..
Lea: Ah I see. Don't panic I'll be there in a few minutes. I knew she was gonna give birth before the due date. I'll be there. Bye.
Jimin: Okay thank you.

He cut the call and sat beside Rose who's holding her tummy while closing her eyes.

Jimin: You okay?? Do you need something??
Rose: Just.. something to drink.
Jimin: Okay I'll get that. Don't worry Lea is coming.

He went to the kitchen and came back holding chocolate milk.

Jimin: Here. Drink it..

She took it from him and started drinking. After she finished it she rested her head on Jimin's shoulder.

Rose: Hmm.. Jimin. Stay by my side please.
Jimin: Of course Love. Everything will be okay. Should I sing something to distract you??
Rose: Hmm yes please.
Jimin: Okay..

( Download and listen before proceeding )

He finished singing and looked at Rose who was now sound asleep. He smiled and gently kissed her forehead before placing his head on hers. Just then he received a text.


Is she okay??

- She is sleeping.

I guess you sung a song. That's the only way you can comfort others and it always works.

- You know me too well. But anyways, it'd be better if you come. I think she'll wake up soon because of the pain again.

Okay. I am close to your house. Are the keys under the plant as always??

- No. Inside the lantern.

Oh okay. I'll be there soon. Bye.

- Bye.

He placed his phone aside and closed his eyes.

Jimin: It's been almost a year since we are together. And 8 months since we're married. I just want everything to be as peaceful as it is now. I want a.. happy ending for us. But no.. there's no ending for us.

He smile to himself and sighed. Rose started moving and just then Jimin heard the main door open. Lea walked inside as Rose also woke up with a lot more pain now.

Rose: Ah..
Lea: It's okay, it's okay. Jimin go fill the bathtub with warm water. Not too cold nor too hot.
Jimin: Okay.

He got up as Lea supported Rose. He went inside the bathroom and opened the tap. After filling the bathtub he went back.

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