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~ Alice's POV ~

I sighed and fully closed the door carefully. I have been standing here for a few minutes listening to Jimin and Rose talking. And it's the cutest thing ever. I went to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast for them.

I took out the eggs, butter and noodles out from the fridge and started making the breakfast.

A few minutes later I was done so I placed down the plates and went to her room. I knocked on the door and opened it.

Alice • Good morning breakfast is ready.

Rose • Good morning. When did you come here?

Alice • A few minutes ago. Come on fresh up.

Jimin • We're coming noona.

Alice • Okay.

I closed the door again.

~ Jimin's POV ~

I got up and went to the bathroom. After a few minutes I came back.

Jimin • Go freshen up you also have to take medicine after breakfast.

Rose • I don't need medicine~

Jimin • You were in pain last night. It's okay if you don't need it anymore but still have to eat it.

Rose • Fine. I am going to the bathroom.

Jimin • I am waiting at the table.

I went out of the room. I went to the table and sat down. Alice noona was already waiting for us.

Alice • So, how is life going with my sister?

Jimin • Ah haha. It's great. Better then I expected I must say.

Alice • That's great to hear. Just be careful not to have any misunderstandings between her and you. She can get hurt easily.

Jimin • Hmm, I will make sure she doesn't get hurt because of me.

Alice • You have been broken too. But looks like you have fully moved on now.

Jimin • I had to move on. What happened was all a part of my past. And I wouldn't like to experience that again.

Alice • I wish you both a happy life.

Jimin • Thank you. What about you Noona?? When are you finding a boyfriend for yourself?

Alice • I have no plan of finding someone yet. We'll see in the future.

Rose came and sat beside me.

Rose • What are you guys talking about?

Jimin • Nothing, love. Here start eating.

I took a bowl and gave Rose some noodles.

Rose • Thank you. Breakfast looks nice today.

Alice • Eat well.

We started eating and I gotta admit these two sisters make amazing food.

Jimin • Where did you two learn cooking?? It's amazing.

Alice • Our mom used to teach us. We can make quite a lot of dishes.

Jimin • That's nice.

Alice • I also made some fish balls. Take them for your members.

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