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~ Night before audition ~

~ Rose's POV ~

Rose went to Alice's room and knocked on the door. Alice opened the door and looked at Rose confused.

Alice • What happened Rosie??

Rose • Uhm.. unnie there's a thunderstorm outside. Can I.. sleep with you today??

Alice • I didn't even notice. Come on inside.

Alice took Rose inside her room and locked the door again.

Alice • Did the electricity go out as well??

Rose • Yeah.

Alice • That's why you came here. I should've gotten the generator fixed. Don't worry just sleep here, I am going to the bathroom.

Rose • Okay.

She quietly laid on the bed and covered herself with the duvet.

Rose is actually scared of the dark, the electricity went out so the light in her room was turned off as well. On the other hand Alice's room's light works with generator. The generator was also attached to Rose's room but it started having problems.

Alice came back and laid down beside rose who was already asleep.

Alice • -sigh- Sleep well Rosie.

She whispered softly and closed her eyes.

~ Audition Day ~

Alice woke up early and got ready before she woke Rose up. After waking her up she went to make breakfast. When she was done Rose also came in a pink t-shirt and shorts.

Alice • Come eat quickly and get ready.

Rose sat down beside her and started eating.

Rose • Unnie, will you come with me as well??

Alice • Are family members allowed??

Rose • Yeah. They will keep you waiting outside till I audition.

Alice • Hmm.. okay I will go. Finish your breakfast.

Rose finished her breakfast first and placed the plates in the sink. She went to her room to get ready.. she opened her wardrobe and took out the new clothes and shoes she bought.

Outfit °~°

She wore her clothes and added loose curls on the end of her hair

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She wore her clothes and added loose curls on the end of her hair. She finished her look with light makeup and lip gloss. Satisfied with her look she took her mobile and went out of her room.

Rose • Unnie are you ready ??

Alice • Coming!

Alice came out of her room.

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