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~ Jimin's POV ~

Sitting in my room I was watching her just sitting there on the bed with a pout on her face.

Jimin • Why are you pouting??

She looked at me and shook her head.

Rose • Nothing.

Jimin • Are you bored??

She sighed and nodded.

Rose • I wanna go back to my dorm.

Jimin • I can't do anything. PD Nim said the lock will be changed tomorrow. They will put a password one on it now.

She again became silent. An idea came to my mind.

Jimin • Want to watch something on Netflix??

Rose • Like what??

Jimin • Have you watched Nevertheless??

She shook her head.

Jimin • We will watch that then.

Rose • Okay.

I picked my TV remote and played Nevertheless on Netflix..
I have heard about it on Instagram but I don't really know why it's so popular.
We both sat in the center of the bed and I pulled the duvet over our legs. I remembered I had some snacks in my drawer so I took them out and gave one pack of chips to her.

Jimin • Here.

Rose • Thanks.

We both got comfortable in our positions. We were sitting close but not too much.

As the show went on. I regretted picking this one. Why are there 18+ scenes. God help me.. this is so awkward.

I gulped down my saliva gripping on the duvet trying not to lose my control. While my little friend had already given up. Fuck.

I took a glance at her side and she didn't seem bothered at all. I looked back at the TV and rested my head on the back of the bed closing my eyes. Suddenly I felt the duvet on our legs move and I panicked opening my eyes. Rose had taken the duvet off of her legs but my legs were a little uncovered too. And you know why I panicked.. acting normal I placed my hand over my pants not to make it obvious. I felt her looking at me but I ignored her stare. She slowly turned her head away.. I decided to get up and leave to the bathroom because now this is too much. I slowly got up from the bed and moved towards the bathroom. I entered the bathroom and locked it quickly.

I came out of the bathroom after a good 20 minutes and saw Rose sleeping while the TV was still on. I sighed and turned the TV off. I made her lay down on the bed and fixed the duvet over her. It's still 6 PM so there is no way I am sleeping so I decided to go outside.

I came out of my room and saw no one in the living room. Must be in their rooms. I took my coat and wore my shoes before leaving the dorm. I saw some people changing the lock of her dorm.. I walked to the elevator and pressed the top floor button. Meaning the rooftop.

I sat on the bench and placed my head on the safety wall.

Jimin • She drives me crazy-

?? • Who??

I looked back recognizing the voice.

Jimin • Soobin?? When did you come here??

He sat near me.

SoobinJust now Hyung. You were saying something..??

Jimin • Oh uhm-  I-i was just-

SoobinIs it the new trainee?? What was her name again?? Rose?? Yeah.

Jimin • How do you know her??

SoobinOh just Hyung met her the day she moved here. He said she was pretty.

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

Jimin • He doesn't have a crush on her right??

SoobinAhaha Hyung he doesn't. You're clearly in love eh??

Jimin • Ah well.. she doesn't know yet.

SoobinWhen are you telling her then??

Jimin • I am not sure. She.. went through a trauma yesterday. Don't ask what it was.. she told me not to talk about it.

SoobinIt's alright. I hope she is okay. Anyways.. hope to see you both together soon. Take care.

Jimin • Hmm.. you too.

He left. I sighed and got up too. It's no use sitting here.

~ Rose's POV ~

I woke up and found myself in bed and the TV was off too. I guess I fell asleep.. Ugh that show was too awkward. Where is Jimin anyway?? He seemed to be.. having a problem watching that show.
I took my phone and looked at the time, it's almost 7. I opened instagram and decided to scroll it for some time.

I was scrolling instagram when I came across a video of Jimin. It was a Vlive clip.

' Jimin likes someone!! I wonder who she is T-T '

The caption made me watch the video.

As the video ended my grip on the bed sheet had tightened. Who does he like.. it's not me obviously. Right..??
I closed my phone and rested my head on the back of the bed looking at the ceiling.

Rose • Please stop playing with my emotions Park Jimin.. one time you are nice to me and on the other hand.. you say you like someone.

My heart felt aching and I placed my hand on it.
Ugh what's happening to me..? This all doesn't make any sense. Why is my life like this?? I went through so many things just after the audition that day. Did I do something wrong?? Is my decision of becoming an idol wrong?? I don't know!! I can't process anything at all !!             
...I have decided to stay away from Him.

Because that's the best for me.

-------------A few days later--------------

After that day Rose went back to her dorm and her training started as well. She also started avoiding Jimin or any Bts member that tried talking to her. Jimin was confused of why she was doing so. He even talked to Alice but she didn't know as well. If alice asked her she would avoid the topic. And now Jimin was becoming frustrated.. and he had decided to confront Rose about it.

One day ago...

Jimin knocked on the practice room door to get Rose's attention as she was practicing. But she looked at him and continued practicing. Jimin was mad and confused at the same time as she won't talk to him.

Jimin • I'll see how you will avoid me tomorrow Rose. You have to give me an explanation for avoiding me..

He mumbled to himself and went back to his dorm.

°~ To Be Continued ~°

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