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~ Jimin's POV ~

Jimin: Hang the fairy lights there. Turn them to color light purple and the other ones light pink-
Taehyung: Hyung the table and chairs are here.
Jimin: Oh okay. Everyone come with me let's arrange the sitting area now.
Taehyung: Dude you're working so hard. What if she say no??
Jimin: Shut up. She isn't going to say no. Go and check what Jin Hyung is doing.
Taehyung: Aishh fine.

He went away. I smiled seeing everything going accordingly to my expectations.

Jimin: Is the tent hung??
Boy: Yes sir. Now only the sitting area and pool are left.
Jimin: Alright, go and place the seats on the pool side, there is also a barbeque grill there. Arrange it the way you think it will look good.
Boy: Right sir. Boys, time to go over there!!

They all went to the pool side. I walked to the sitting area as Jin Hyung and Hobi Hyung were setting the chairs around the long table.

Jin: Chairs are set. Now where are the flower pots for the table??
Jimin: I told Jungkook to bring them he isn't here yet-
JK: Sorry I am here. There was traffic.
Jimin: It's okay right on time. Give them to me.
JK: Here.

He handed us the glass made flower pots as we placed them in the center. We took the fresh flowers and put them inside the pots as well as water so they won't die.

Jimin: Everything done?? Should we hang some lights here too??
Jin: Yup. That would be cool.
Hoseok: And hey!! I saw the roof hanging one, they were butterflies that lit up. I saw them in the lights back there.
Jimin: Oh yeah I forgot I ordered those. Then let's hang them too.

We started hanging them too. Just like that another 30 minutes passed and we were finally done. Right now it's 6 PM so we decided to hurry back to the dorm to get ready. Alice is with Rose so she will handle her.

~ Rose's POV ~

Rose: But where are we going??
Alice: You'll know mam. Now shut your mouth and get ready. Here's the dress, I bought it.
Rose: Let me dry my hair at least. Geez.
Alice: You only have an hour to get ready got it?? We will leave when it's 7 PM.
Rose: Fine. You go get ready too. And hey- what type of hair am I doing??
Alice: I will do your hair. For now I am going back to my dorm to get ready. I will be here in 20 minutes, so you better be doing make up when I am here. Bye.
Rose: Alright.

She left. I don't even understand why she is telling me to get ready. And Jimin also didn't come back, how will I tell him?? Anyways let's just get ready.


Alice unnie came back after exactly 20 minutes as she wore her dress and did her make up only before coming.

Alice: Sit down let me do your hair.

I sat down in front of the mirror as she started doing my hair. After 15 minutes she was done so she did her hair and then we both were ready.

Rose: It's 6:40 already.
Alice: I know. Let me take a look at your make up. Bruh you didn't do eye liner??
Rose: Was I supposed to??
Alice: Sometimes I wonder.. are you really my sister?? Hand me that liner!!
Rose: Geez here.

She applied eyeliner on my eyes and turned me around.

Alice: Better. We're done. Here are your heels. Wear them and come out. We gotta leave now.
Rose: Aishh.

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