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~ Rose's POV ~

Covering the last strand with foil I washed my hands and cleaned up the mess I created.

Rose • I will wash this after some time. You can go now.

Jimin • Okay, I'm going back to my dorm to get my things. I will get ready here.

Rose • Okay.

He left. I sat down on the bathroom stool in front of the mirror and took out my mobile to do something while the time passes. After 15 minutes Jimin also came back with his suit and shoes. He came in the bathroom and sat on the slab.

Jimin • How much more time??

Rose • About 20-25 minutes more.

Jimin • Won't your roots grow again?

Rose • You seem to know a lot about girls. Yeah they will but I will color them again. No problem.

Jimin • I have seen some female idols who have blonde hair. Their roots sometimes are black.

Rose • You are right. Anyways you go take a bath in the other room when you are done I will be done too.

Jimin • It's 11:30, okay I will take a bath then.

He took an extra towel and went to the other room.

After about 22 minutes I took the foil off and entered the shower to wash my hair. When I was done I washed my body as well and came out after 20 minutes. Looking in the mirror I was satisfied with the outcome but the real color comes after drying the hair so I took out the hair dryer and dried my hair. I brushed my hair and looked in the mirror once again.

Rose • Ah it looks so pretty.

( Is it just me or She looks even prettier in blonde hair T-T )

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( Is it just me or She looks even prettier in blonde hair T-T )

I wore my Zip up hoodie and matching sweatpants before going out or the bathroom. I saw Jimin sitting on the bed using his phone and he didn't notice I came out.

Rose • How do I look??

I said catching his attention and he looked at me for a few seconds blinking his eyes and then spoke.

Jimin • Is this really you?

Rose • *giggle* Yeah it's me.

Jimin • Come here.

He said opening his arms for a hug. I ran to him jumped in his arms. He giggled and caressed my hair.

Jimin • You're so pretty baby. You look even prettier in blonde hair.

Rose • I told you it will look good.

Jimin • Hmm, it looks good.

He laid down with me on top of him hugging him by his neck and his arms were fully wrapped around my waist.

Jimin • Can we take a nap?

Rose • You want to sleep again
Jimin • Just an hour please.

Rose • Okay. But in this position??

Jimin • Yes. Now sleep.

I chuckled and closed my eyes again inhaling his scent. He smells like green apple haha. And I fell asleep in a few minutes.

While Jimin and Rose were sleeping like that the dorm door opens revealing Alice and Jungkook. Jungkook has been knocking the door but no one opened so he called Alice.

Alice • Where are they??

JK • Let's check the room.

They both went towards Rose's room and opened the door peeking inside. And then fully went inside seeing the cute couple in front of them sleeping like that. Jungkook showed his bunny smile and took out his phone to take a picture of them. Alice stood there watching them both hugging as Jungkook took the photos.

JK • I guess they decided to take a nap. And since when is Rose Noona Blonde?

Alice • I think she dyed her hair just now. We'll just let them sleep, let's go.

JK • Okay.

They left the room after whisper talking to each other. Jungkook sat on the couch while Alice stood there doing nothing.

Alice • So, what did you need from here?

JK • Jimin hyung. He's been here since last night and Namjoon Hyung said we should leave together for the party. I just came to tell him that.

Alice • I will tell Rose to send him back when they wake up. You can go back if you want or stay.

JK • I will just go back. Bye Noona.

Alice • Bye.

Jungkook left. Alice went to the kitchen to drink some water.

Alice • I should also leave then.

She placed down the glass and left the dorm.

~ Time skip ~

~ Jimin's POV ~

I woke up feeling my phone buzzing and I think it's the alarm. I turned it off and caressed Rose's hair whispering.

Jimin • Rosie.. wake up.

Rose • Hmm.. what time is it??

Jimin • It's almost 2 PM. Let's eat lunch and start getting ready.

Rose • Hmm, okay.

She got off of my body and not gonna lie she is so light. I thought it will hurt when I wake up but it doesn't hurt at all. I sat up and stretched myself. I took my phone and I had two texts from Kook. I opened it.

Bunny boy

Jungkook |  Hyung

Jungkook | Namjoon Hyung said we have to leave together for the party so come back later.

Ah no. I wanted to go with my baby.

Jimin • Hyung wants me to leave with them.

Rose • For the party?

Jimin • Yeah.

Rose • It's okay you can go back after lunch.

Jimin • Alright. What's for lunch??

Rose • I don't know. How about Ramen?

Jimin • Okay.

Rose • I will add cheese in it. I will prepare it you grab your things and come out.

She took her phone and left the room. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. It's the first day of us as Boyfriend and girlfriend, and I am happy she isn't awkward around me. She is a total wife material haha. I love her clingy and bubbly side. I don't think I felt this type of affection from that bitch Suzy. And why would I? She never loved me. Rose loves me and I love her. If only I had known Rose earlier, but I don't care now. She Is mine already and no one can come between us.

°~ To Be Continued ~°

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