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Jimin took Rose's hand and lead her somewhere. She was confused but followed him. He stopped and took her blindfold off.

Jimin: Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday dear Rosie~ Happy Birthday to you~!!

He started singing including everyone else and Rose was beyond shocked..

°~ Rose's POV ~°

Rose: W-what?? Is it my birthday?? What date is it!!
Jimin: *giggle* It's actually isn't your birthday but.. as we will be gone for the next one or two months, we might not able to celebrate it. That's why.
Rose: Ahh~ I really thought I forgot my own birthday. Thank you!!

I went near him and kissed his cheek. He smiled widely.

Jimin: Your welcome. Let's cut the cake shall we?? And also everyone helped me in this surprise.
Rose: Thank you everyone.

I bowed to them.

Rm: It's alright. Let's cut the cake!!
Rose: Sure.

Jimin placed down the cake on the table and handed me the knife.

Rose: You hold it too.
Jimin: Okay~

He held my hand and we cut the cake.

All: Yay!!

Everyone started clapping. I took a piece and fed it to Jimin and then one by one to everyone.

JK: Okay time for gifts!! Here is the gifts. These are only two but we all bought it together. Excluding Jimin hyung.
Rose: Ah.. I don't need any gifts guys please.
Jimin: Why not?? Just take them.

I looked at him. He just nodded so I took the gifts and bowed a little.

Rose: Thank you~
Jimin: And here is mine.

He said handing me a rectangular, blue box. I placed down the other gifts and took his. I opened the box and looked at Jimin shocked.

Rose: I can't take this!! It's too expensive Jimin.
Jimin: It's not more precious than you. Please take it. Wait let me put it on your neck.

He said taking the Diamond Necklace he gave me. He turned me around and put the necklace on my neck as I held up my hair. He closed the lock and placed down my hair again.

Rose: Ji-
Jimin: I am not listening. A gift is a gift, expensive or cheap. I don't want to hear anything.

I smiled at him and held his face kissing him on his lips.

Hoseok: Please we are still single!!
Yoongi: Yeah, you two go get a room.

We broke the kiss and giggled attaching our nose.

Rm: Okay so anyways love birds. Jimin, are you gonna tell her now??

Jimin looked at him and then back at me.

Jimin: Uhm.. we are leaving tomorrow morning. For Las Vegas..

My smiled immediately faded away.

Rose: Huh?? But..
Jimin: *sigh* I know it's sudden but we really have to go. I am sorry.

I nodded and smiled a little.

Rose: It's okay. You can go worry free. I won't be sad.
Jimin: Promise??
Rose: Promise.

He smiled and pecked my nose.

Tae: So, we will leave now. Jimin can stay with you today. Bye bye~
Rose: Bye everyone.

They all left. I looked at Jimin and kissed him again. He was shocked for a moment but kissed me back immediately pouring all his love and affection in it. He slowly broke the kiss and looked at me in my eyes.

Jimin: What happened??
Rose: I am not going to get this kiss everyday for the next two months. Don't you think so??
Jimin: *giggle* Right. I am not going to have it too. So can I have another one??

I giggled and nodded. He slowly leaned closer and attached our lips. His hands went to my waist and he fully pressed my body against his. My hand went around his neck as he deepened the kiss.

Rose: mmh.

A soft moan automatically left my mouth when he sucked my lower lip. Slowly the passionate and soft kiss was turning into a rough one and it turned into a make out session. My hand made its way inside his hair brushing it. I was running out of breath so I tapped his shoulder and he immediately broke the kiss. We both were breathing heavily attaching our foreheads.

Rose: My.. lips are swollen.. idiot.

He chuckled and closed his eyes.

Jimin: I love you so much. I will miss you a lot.. everyday.
Rose: I will miss you too. But we promised not to be sad. Don't be sad hmm??
Jimin: Okay.. I won't be.
Rose: That's good. Now shall we go back?? I am tired.
Jimin: Hmm let's go.

He took my hand and we both went back to my dorm.

~ Next Morning ~

Rose: Did you pack everything??
Jimin: Yeah. Can you hand me that shirt?? I think that's all.
Rose: Here. You didn't forget anything right??
Jimin: I don't think I did. Electronics, clothes.. yeah that's all.

He closed the bag. JK came inside Jimin's room.

JK: Hurry we are leaving. Manager Nim is already here.
Jimin: I am coming you guys go.
JK: Okay.

He left.

Jimin: I am leaving now. Take care hmm?? Don't overwork or stress and eat well. I don't want to hear that you are skipping meals. I have told Alice noona that it you don't take care she will tell me.
Rose: Okay okay. You take care too hmm?? I trust your hyungs and I know they won't let you skip meals or overwork so I am assured. But take care okay?? I placed a hot pack inside your bag, you can use it when you need it.
Jimin: Okay.. give me a hug now.

He said opened his arms. I gladly hugged him tightly inhaling his scent. I broke the hug and kissed his cheek as he caressed my hair.

Jimin: Let's go downstairs.

I nodded and smiled lightly. He took his bag and suitcase and we went outside the company where their car was. Jimin placed his bags in the car and sat inside it. He rolled down the window waving at me and gave me a flying kiss. I waved back and smiled at him and soon their car drove off. I was just standing their looking at their car disappearing in the heavy traffic. Sighing I went back inside the building and came back to my dorm. I am already feeling lonely.

°~ To Be Continued ~°


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