Meeting the Melon Girl

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You and SMG4 have been friends for a couple of years now. Whenever it has been running from a Chain Chomp, facepalming at Mario's stupidity, or just simply hanging out with one another. Of course, you've never actually considered yourself to be apart of SMG4's gang but SMG4 insisted that you were. Currently, you were watching one of your friends, Axol, talk to a watermelon named Melony, which is a little weird, though you've definitely seen weirder.

You: Axol, have you finally lost it?

Mario came in humming to himself before turning to the rest of you and waving.


Suddenly Luigi comes barging in, causing Meggy to look up from her newspaper.

Luigi: I ATE A BABY! *begins humping the air*

Mario: ...I like his style! *joins him*

Meggy puts down the newspaper, looking clearly annoyed. You and Axol just looked at the scene weirded out. Mario and the weird Luigi-Mario hybrid backward long jump up the stairs and break down the upstairs doors with their insane momentum.

Axol: I know I went a bit crazy but even I find this strange.

Meggy: Yeah, something's not right here...

You: No shit.

Luigi comes humping back into the room before Meggy startles him by suddenly popping up in his face, causing him to scream and knock many things over.

Meggy: Luigi! Guys, we need to calm him down!

Mario: I dunno, he seems pretty normal to me!

Luigi runs up to Mario and raises his leg, about to kick.


He then kicks Mario in the crotch before running off. Mario screams in pain and falls to the ground.

Mario: Ok maybe we should stop him...

Luigi was quickly pinned down by Meggy and Axol as you watch Mario jump into the air and ground pound onto Luigi, causing a Mario mask to fly off him.

Luigi: Am I dead?

You eyed the mask with a confused look on your face.

You: What the hell is this mask? And why does it look like Mario?

Axol: Careful, (Y/N).

Suddenly, the mask seems to take on a life of its own and makes a beeline towards Meggy. Axol quickly shoves Meggy out of the way but was ultimately caught and taken over by the mask.


You: Jesus Christ, what the fuck?!

Axol slowly turned towards you and your friends, now having Mario's signature hat and mustache.


He then runs off, yelling out "PINGAS" multiple times in the process.

Meggy: Guys, we have to stop him!

Mario: Why? He's finally an interesting character now!

Mario's response from Meggy was a kick. All four of you quickly run outside to see Axol harassing Toad by chasing him around and rambling about putting him in his "spaghetti harem anime" before eventually losing interest. He then turns his attention to digging through a bag full of masks and tossing them aside.

Meggy: Watch out! Don't let those masks touch you!

Mario dodges a few masks before being hit by one, turning him into the Youtuber Tyler1.

My Melon Girl (Melony x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now