Mario Babies

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Right now, you were sitting in a circle with Bowser, Mario, Luigi, Bob, Shroomy, SMG4, and Melony at the Bob and Breakfast 2 hotel lobby. Currently, Mario and Bob were laughing at baby pictures of Meggy when she was still an inkling.

Bob: Oh mY GoD, tHeSe aRe hIlArIoUs!

Mario: *mocking Meggy* Look at me, I'm baby woomy!

Luigi: You guys! This is personal stuff, stop it!

Mario: *jumps onto Luigi* NEVER! Saiko ain't here to stop me this time! *gets punched by SMG4*

Bowser: Well, I think its nice that we can take a look back at our childhoods.

Shroomy: I agree! Don't you fellas have something memorable from your childhood that made a big impact on your life?

SMG4: Something...memorable?

You all began to think back on your childhoods to recall such an event.


*Mario and Bowser's childhood flashback*

Baby Mario and Baby Bowser are in a daycare, playing with toys. Well, Baby Bowser is, not Baby Mario. He's too busy drinking glue.

The door opens and the daycare attendant places a plate of spaghetti on the table before walking off. Both babies are amazed by it and begin to run to it before realizing they're too short to reach the spaghetti. Baby Mario jumps onto Baby Bowser's shell and immediately regrets it.

 Young Old Man: *peeks from around the door frame* Stop screwing around!

Baby Bowser gets the idea to stack toys up to the spaghetti. Baby Mario catches on and begins to help until Baby Mario puts the daycare attendant onto the stack and a couple of seconds after that, both he and Baby Bowser realize that they made a mistake. Baby Bowser panics and spits a fireball at the daycare attendant, causing his hair to catch on fire and fall off. He begins to grieve over the loss of his hair.

Baby Mario begins to climb up the stack with Baby Bowser cheering him on and was extremely close to getting the spaghetti before Baby Bowser notices Baby Peach and instantly becomes smitten with her.

Mario: And that's when he became the worst thing in all of mankind: A SIMP.

Baby Bowser grabs the teddy bear in the stack, which causes the entire stack with Baby Mario on it to collapse, and rushes over to Baby Peach to offer it to her. Unfortunately for Baby Bowser, Baby Peach rejects him, causing him to not take it very well and kidnap her. Baby Mario tries to confront Baby Bowser over the loss of the spaghetti when Baby Bowser threw a Koopa shell at Baby Mario. He kicks it away, causing it to zoom outside and hit the tombstone of the daycare attendant's hair.

Young Old Man: *SCREAMS*

The shell comes back and knocks the plate of spaghetti off the table, causing Baby Mario to go over to it and eat it. He looks up from the plate in awe before suddenly growing a mustache.

Mario: Ahhh...and that was my first ever spaghetti meal.


*Luigi's childhood flashback*

Baby Luigi is wandering through a Best Buy all on his own, clearly worried.

Baby Luigi: Mama! Mamma mia... *walks away crying to self and accidently walks into an Adults Only section* Oh yeah! *comes out and reveals he has a blue Poltergust 3000 that he found in there* Lucky me! *begins to use the Poltergust 3000 to suck up candy and then eject them into his mouth*

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