Goodbye SMG4

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We start by seeing you, Mario, and SMG4 sitting on the castle roof, watching the sunset.

SMG4: I'm...I'm going to miss this place.

Mario looks down sadly.

SMG4: Heh... Remember the time we had that Chain Chomp chase after us? Or that time you got your pingas stuck in a door? Or that time we had to fight a cosmic eldritch monster...

Mario suddenly wraps his arms around you and SMG4 for a hug and starts crying.


You and SMG4 say nothing and just hug back until your grip was getting weaker and weaker.

You: I... I feel weak...

You lay against the tower as Mario and SMG4 watch in sorrow.

You: Guys... I... I have a couple of things to say before I go.

SMG4: Yeah? What is it (Y/N)?

You: I'm... I'm glad I got to meet you two way back then. When Mario was just being himself... And you were chasing after him for a video...

Mario's lip quivers in sadness and SMG4 tears up.

You: Those were good times... In fact, nearly all the times we had were good times. I...I cherish them... You may ask "why?"

You weakly chuckle to yourself.

You: That's easy to answer. It's because you two are my best friends... And I enjoyed being with you... And the rest of the gang as well... You all were the friends I always wanted... You all went on crazy adventures and... And I'm glad to have been part of it...

SMG4: (Y/N)...

You: Thank you guys... Thank you for all the good memories, the adventures, and just everything in general... I'll miss you all...

You look up into the sky as you feel yourself getting even weaker.

You: Meggy... Tari... Melony... Axol... Everyone... I'm coming... I'm going to see you all again...

Your eyes rolled back and you became lifeless.

You were dead.

Mario: (Y/N)!!! PLEASE WAKE UP!!! (Y/N)!!!!!

There was no response from you. All Mario and SMG4 could do was cry over their loss.

They eventually hear footsteps and turn to see Lawyer Kong there with a clock in hand.

SMG4: Mario... It's time for me to go as well...

Mario: N-NO! WAIT! SMG4!!!

SMG4: Can I...make one final goodbye?

Lawyer Kong: ...Very well.

SMG4 turns toward the camera.

SMG4: Hey guys... Thanks for watching SMG4 for so long. Goodbye...

Next thing Mario knew, SMG4 was on the floor, completely lifeless as well.

And all Mario could do was cry.


Mario: New Super Mario is Very Very Sad...

Miyamoto: NO NO NO, that's not the title of the game! Ugh. Anyway, just begin.

A Goomba approaches Mario, waiting to be stomped on. However, Mario makes no attempt to stomp on it and instead uses an item box to summon a headcrab to attack the Goomba.

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