Meggy Returns from Vacation

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We start off the episode with Mario choking on a life preserver. SMG4 runs over and pulls it out of Mario's mouth.

SMG4: Mario, what the hell are you doing?!

Mario: I thought it was a tasty donut...

SMG4: *facepalms*

Meanwhile, you and everyone else were waiting patiently for the boat that would bring Meggy home.

Luigi: You look pretty excited to see Meggy, Tari!

Tari: *turns to Luigi and screams loudly in excitement*

Shroomy: Oh golly gee, I can't wait to hear about her adventures!

Boopkins: Oooh, I hope she had a good vacation!

Bob: ShE BeTtEr hAvE BrOuGhT Me sOmE SoUvEnIrS!

Axol looks away nervously, which Melony takes notice of.

Melony: Axol?

Axol: I...I just really hope Meggy found whatever she was looking for.

A boat horn fills the air as a boat comes to dock at the nearby port.


Everyone turns their attention to the boat, being tugged by a giant turtle. Soon, it arrives at the dock and stops. Stepping out of the boat was the girl herself, Meggy Spletzer.

Meggy: Hey guys! Did ya miss me? Hehe...

She is immediately hugged by Tari, who was hugging onto her as if her life depended on it. She walks towards the group, dragging Tari along with her.

Mario: Welcome back!

Meggy: Thanks! It's sooo good to be back!

Rest of the group surround her and begin to bombard her with questions regarding her trip.

Axol: How was your trip?

Bob: DiD YoU GeT Me a sOuVeNiR?

Luigi: Was it fun?

Shroomy: Oh, did you fight crime? Did you fight crime?

Mario: You got any food?

Boopkins: Oh, did you make any friends?

SMG4: Guys, guys. C'mon, Meggy just got here! Let's go somewhere more comfortable before she tells us more about her trip!

Meggy: Oh! Why don't we go to mine?

Mario and Bob turn to look at each other wide eyed, knowing Meggy was going to find out what happened to her house. Soon, you were all at Meggy's house and Meggy reacted to the new environment.


She looks around, clearly confused on what happened to her house.

Mario: Surprise! *laughs nervously before slowly stops*

Bob: So wE MaY HaVe tUrNeD YoUr hOuSe iNtO A PrOfItAbLe hOtEl bUsInEsS.

Meggy: But... Where am I supposed to live?


???: THIS HOTEL'S FOOD SUCKS!!! The noodles are too hard, the mashed potatoes are too sweet, it smells like a horse's ass, THE AMBIANCE IN HERE SUCKS, there's a pup in my food, AND MY NIPPLES ARE HARD!

Mario: *pulls out shotgun* THAT'S A SHAME!

He walks over to Spiderman and begins stuffing him into a cage while Meggy and Bob look on horrified.

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