How (Y/N) Met SMG4 and the Gang

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(Just another filler chapter, nothing to see here folks)

You sigh as you walk around the Mushroom Kingdom, bored out of your mind.

You: I'm so bored...there's nothing to do. Of course (F/N) had something come up today when we were supposed to hang out.

You were interrupted from your thoughts when you notice a plumber wearing red clothing running up to you before staring at you cross-eyed.

???: Hello! Hey you! Have you got any food?

You: I uh... (Wait, isn't this Mario? I've heard about him before.)

???: Goddamnit Mario, what are you doing this time?

You turn and look at the person running up to you two. Oddly, the person looks exactly like Mario expect he was hearing blue clothes with white overalls.

???: C'mon Mario, stop screwing around. We need to-

He sees that Mario was already running off to do who knows what.

???: Ugh goddamnit, I'll never catch him at this rate.

You: I can help if you want.

He looks at you surprised.

???: Really? You want to help? You don't have anything else to do?

You: Nope, I don't. Besides, he seems like he's a handful.

???: You have no idea. But anyway...

He holds his hand out to you and you shake it.

SMG4: I'm SMG4. It's nice to meet you.

You: Name's (Y/N) and uh, same.

SMG4: Anyway, follow me. We're going after Mario.

He runs after Mario with you right behind him.


You both eventually find Mario doing...well...Mario things.

You: Is he always like this?

SMG4: *sighs* Yes, he's always like this...

You both run up to Mario as he seems to notice you.

Mario: Oh hello SMG4 and random person!

SMG4: Mario, will you PLEASE listen? We need to record a video!

Mario: But I don't wannaaa!

SMG4: *sigh* I'll give you spaghetti after it.

Mario: *GAAAASP* Okie dokie!

You: So...what now?

SMG4: Follow me, I'll introduce you to the rest of the gang.

You just shrug.

You: Alright, I guess that's fine by me.


Soon, SMG4 led you to Peach's castle and you followed him inside alongside Mario.

SMG4: Allow me to introduce the rest of the gang here.

He points to a humanoid-squid girl which you recognize as an Inkling inspecting her Splattershot.

SMG4: That right there is Meggy.

Meggy: What's up?

Next, he points to a Spike sitting on the floor watching anime on the TV.

SMG4: That's Fishy Boopkins, or just Boopkins for short.

Boopkins: Hello!

SMG4 then points to green clothed individual who looked like Mario, who you recognized immediately as Luigi.

SMG4: That's Luigi, Mario's younger brother.

Luigi: Hi!

The giant dinosaur-like turtle was pointed to next, which you knew was Bowser.

SMG4: That's Bowser, Mario's...uh...frenemy.

Bowser: How's it going?

Finally, he points to a cloaked figure watching anime with Boopkins.

SMG4: And that right there is Bob.

Bob doesn't answer, as he's too busy invested in the anime he's watching.

Mario: Ooh, and don't forget little Toady!

The red plumber points to small mushroom-looking fella who's looking like he's hating every single second of being alive.

You: Well, like I said earlier, my name is (Y/N) and uh, it's nice to meet you all.

Meggy: Same here.

Boopkins: It's so nice to meet a new friend!

Luigi: I'm sure we'll get along real nice!

Bowser: Likewise!

Once again, Bob doesn't answer, as he has his full attention on the TV screen.

SMG4: Seems like the gang likes you! I'm sure we'll be great friends!

Mario: That's-a-so nice!

You just smile and nod, not knowing what crazy adventures await you with your new group of friends.

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