To Become a God

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It was another average day in the Mushroom Kingdom. You and Luigi were meditating and Meggy was training Mario in table tennis.


Mario: Nah.

Saiko: I told you Meggy, it's not going to work. Mario is unteachable.

Meggy: Aww c'mon Red, you said you'd let me practice my coaching on you today...

Mario: Fiiine!

Meggy: Heck yeah! That's the spirit! Now let's see what you got!

Mario tries to hit the ball with the paddle but accidently throws the paddle at Luigi, causing you to hear the impact and open one eye to see what was going on.

Mario: Is the paddle alright?

Meggy: Uhh... Let's try that again!

An explosion is suddenly heard as you all look around wildly.


Saiko: What the heck was that?!

Another explosion fills the air as you all look out the window and see Bob training Melony to use her deity powers.

Bob: GoOd, GoOd. LeT ThE HaTe fLoW ThRoUgH YoU!

You and others run outside to stop whatever is taking place.

Meggy: Melony! Stop! What's going on?

Bob: MoRe! *throws a sculpture of Ax0l at Melony* LoOk oUt! He's cOmInG FoR YoUr fRiEnDs!

Melony instantly jumps up and destroys the sculpture with a projectile that also goes straight for Bob.

Bob: Oh sHi- *gets blown up* Ow mY OvArIeS!

Melony had a serious look on her face and it seemed like her deity powers were getting the better of her so you approached her.

You: Melony? Babe, are you ok?

Melony turns and looks at you with those now glowing eyes of hers and charges at you with her sword drawn. Luckily, Meggy interfered with her paddle, blocking the attack.

Meggy: MELONY! What's gotten into you?!

Melony seems to snap out of it and after doing so passes out on the ground.

You and Meggy: MELONY!!!


When Melony finally woke up, she was in a hospital bed in the castle and surrounded by you, Mario, Meggy, Luigi, and Saiko. You hug her and she hugs you back.

You: Thank god you're ok!

Meggy: We were so worried! What happened to you?

Melony was about to answer when Bob comes in rolling in on a wheelchair.

Bob: ShE WaS TrYiNg tO AcHiEvE LiMiTlEsS PoWeR!

Saiko picks him as both you and her glare at him with such intensity.

You: Saiko, you hold him down while I beat the shit out of him.

Saiko smirks and nods as you were about to beat the shit out of him.

Bob: No! PlEaSe! I'M CrIpPlEd!

Meggy: Wait guys, let's hear him out for a second.

You and Saiko look at her and relent, letting Bob go.

Bob: WeLl, MeLoNy iS BaSiCaLlY A WaTeRmElOn eQuIpPeD WiTh tHe fIeRcE DeItY MaSk rIgHt? AnD We'vE SeEn hEr hArNeSs oNlY A FrAcTiOn oF HeR PoWeR BeFoRe. I WaS JuSt tRyInG To uNlOcK HeR TrUe pOtEnTiAl!

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