The God Box

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We start off the episode seeing Melony moving some boxes around and putting stuff in them. She picks up her notebook and sees a paper fall out of it. She looks at it and sees that it's the picture she made of you, her, and Axol all hanging out together. She picks it up and sheds a few tears looking at it. You walk into the room and see the picture Melony was holding.

You: Hey... I miss him too...

Melony smiles and nods through her tears and puts the picture back into her notebook and stores it in a box. She then turns her attention to her sword, which was next to Axol's Inkweaver. She picks it up and looks at you.

Melony: (Y/N), please come to training with me. I want you to be my support.

You: Of course Melony, anything for you...


Next thing you know, you were watching Melony being trained by Niles, even though you really didn't trust that guy. You take a good long look at him.

You: (He's hiding something. I just know it...)

Eventually, Niles fires Heavy wearing a melon hat at Melony.


You: (Is he seriously implying to kill her own kind?!)

Niles: Deity mode now!!

Melony tries to do so, only to be hit by Heavy before she can do so.

Niles: Sloppy.

Melony cries to herself and turns into her melon form, making you go over and pick her up.

Niles: Ok, so your biggest issue right now is hitting your deity mode. We're gonna be training that nonstop until you can.

Melony transforms back into her human form in your arms and turns to look at Niles before nodding at him.

Niles: Don't worry, you can do this! I mean, 100 push-ups!

Melony gets out of your arms and onto the ground and does only 1 push-up before collapsing. You just squint at Niles suspiciously, wondering what the sudden attitude change was. SMG4 was watching all of this from a distance.

SMG4: Huh, looks like everyone is out training today. Speaking of which, where the hell is he?

A portal opens up and out steps SMG3 and Terrence.

SMG3: Yo sorry I'm late, meme guardian stuff, yada yada, y'know. *notices SMG4* Oh hey jerkface.

SMG4: Good to see you too SMG3. don't except to train with that Knuckles on your shoulder do you?

SMG3: Ugh, sorry Terrence. Looks like the fascist doesn't want you here.

Terrence goes back through the portal, much to SMG3's sorrow.

SMG4: What did you just call me?

SMG1: Alright! It's training time!

SMG2: I know it's been a while, but let's start off with some basic meme transmutation.

SMG3: Aww man, do I have to hold his hand? We're in public.

SMG4: Dude, how are we gonna train if you're gonna be insecure every time?

SMG3: Hey! I'm not insecure! You're insecure! B-baka! *blushes for some reason*

SMG4 holds out his hand, which SMG3 reluctantly holds back. They start to transmute memes as Kermit fights Jigglypuff.

Kermit: You fought well Jigglypuff. But now unfortunately, you must face my AK-47 with extendo mags.

He then gets trapped in a box by Mario, who takes him away.

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