(Y/N) and Melony Go On a Date

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You groggily open your eyes and yawn to yourself. It's been a couple of weeks since the whole God Box incident as well as Melony's graduation. You look down at your girlfriend cuddling up against you, fast asleep with a smile on her face.

You: (You know, I don't think I actually took her out somewhere in celebration of her graduation. I need to fix that. Heh, I guess I know what we're doing today.)

You carefully wriggle your away out of her grasp, even though you really wanted to just lay down and cuddle her while she sleeps. Once you were out, you lean down and plant a kiss on her forehead before walking away.

You: (I wonder if Melony would like some breakfast before we spend the day together. Whatever her breakfast is, there's need to be zero fruit in it.)

You eventually decided to give her the classic breakfast: Eggs and bacon. You thought about giving her cereal but you checked the cupboards and didn't find any. Though, you probably weren't going to go through with it even you did, as you wanted to cook food on Melony's behalf. To show her that you really care about her and that you love her. With that, you pull out some eggs and crack them open, allowing their insides to spill out into the frying pan below. As the yolks sizzle away in the frying pan, you put some bacon in the oven and begin to bake them before you go back to preparing the eggs.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, you put both the yolks and bacon strips onto a plate as you look at the breakfast you had made for Melony.

You: (Hopefully I did good enough. I don't want Melony to get food poisoning or something from my bad cooking.)

Picking up the plate, you made your way back to the bedroom and peer inside. Melony was still fast asleep, as she was a heavy sleeper. You walk over to her and brush your hand against her forehead, getting some of her hair out of her eyes. She coos at your touch but doesn't wake up.

You: (She is by far the most beautiful and cutest thing I have ever laid eyes on.)

You then start to gently shake her to wake her up.

You: Hey Melly, c'mon, it's time to get up.

Melony groggily groans and opens her eyes. Upon seeing you, her eyes light up slightly and she gives you a small smile.

You: Good morning, beautiful. I made you some breakfast.

Melony sits up and yawns loudly.

Melony: You made breakfast for me? (Y/N), you didn't have to do that for me...

You: But I wanted to. I love you so much.

Melony grabs the plate from you and gives you a loving smile.

Melony: I love you too...

Melony takes a bite of her breakfast before freezing up. You immediately started to get worried.

You: Is it bad? You don't have to eat it if it's bad.

Melony: It's so good!!

Melony continues to eat her breakfast while you just mentally sigh in relief before smiling to yourself. At least now, you can find pride and some confidence in that you're better at cooking than Meggy. After finishing her breakfast, Melony turns to you.

Melony: Why'd you wake me up this early (N/N)?

You: I want us to spend some time together, just the two of us.

Melony: *blushes slightly* L-Like a date?

You: *also blushes slightly* Y-Yeah, like a date...

Melony wraps her arms around your neck as she giggles.

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