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You were currently on your way to the castle by yourself. You were on a new mission: Find out who's been teaching Melony some dirty stuff.

Once you made it there, you were surprised to see E. Gadd outside, working on a machine. He doesn't seem to notice you when he stops and looks at his newest invention.

E. Gadd: Finally! My Dimensional Rift machine is finally done! I sure hope nobody touches it while I'm away getting something to eat!

Once he walks away, curiosity gets the better of you and you touch the machine. Almost immediately, the machine hums to life and several rifts are opened up near it. Suddenly, two figures fall through the rifts and onto the ground. What surprises you the most is that they both look exactly like you.

??? 1: Where am I? And what's up with you guys?

??? 2: Who the hell are you guys? And why do you guys look like me?!

You: What's your names?

UT (Y/N): Well, my name is (Y/N).

DDLC (Y/N): What? But my name's also (Y/N)! What is happening?! Is this a dream?!

You: Well, I'm sure you guys already figured out what my name is then. And no, this is not a dream.

DDLC (Y/N): So where are we?

You: You're in the SMG4 universe.

UT (Y/N): What the hell is a "SMG4"?

You: *sighs to self* This is going to take a looong time...


Melony was currently on her way to the castle to see you. She absolutely loved spending time with you and just loved you in general. She's never been in this love before. Of course, she's never been in love ever but she knows that your relationship with her was something special. Just thinking about what you two did last tonight was enough to make her blush heavily and put a lovestruck smile on her face. She puts a hand to her chest and feels her heartbeat.

Melony: (Y/N)...~

She giggles as she daydreams about you, completely lost in her own little world. Eventually, she reaches the castle and snaps out of it. Upon seeing you, her face lights up before becoming overwritten by confusion when she sees two other figures that look exactly like you.

Melony: (Y/N)?

You and the others turn upon hearing your names being said. UT (Y/N) and DDLC (Y/N) immediately sport a confused look on their faces upon seeing Melony. You, on the other hand, give her a warm and loving smile, happy to see your melon girlfriend.

You: Hey Melly.

Upon hearing that, Melony recognizes which (Y/N) is hers and runs into your arms and buries her head into your chest, giggling as you wrap your arms around her and give her a peck on the forehead.

DDLC (Y/N): Uh, who's that?

Melony pulls away from your chest and looks at the copies of you, intrigued by them.

You: This is Melony, my girlfriend.

Melony: Why do you guys look like (Y/N)?

UT (Y/N): Apparently we're ALL (Y/N). It doesn't make sense though.

You: Well, we all must live in a multiverse, which connects all of our universes together. I guess that also means there's other versions of us out there too and many more to come.

DDLC (Y/N): Really? This is a lot to take in...

UT (Y/N): More of us? Weird. It's like we're created by some unseen force that also controls our very lives.

My Melon Girl (Melony x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now