Absolute Betrayal

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You and Melony were sleeping together, with you being the big spoon. Melony groggily gets up and carefully slithers out of your grasp. She stretches before going to the fridge and drinking some milk in her sleep.

Melony: *glitches out a bit* Mmm...calcium...

She sleepwalks away out the door, leaving you sleeping alone.


The gang were all lined up in front of Meggy in a soccer field.

Meggy: Ok! So the Omnia Academy exams are tomorrow and you guys will be my subjects for my coaching exam! SO WE'RE GONNA TRAIN!!!

Mario: Aw shit, here we go again.

Meggy: But first, some motivational music!

She presses a button and some speakers come out of the ground and begin to play music at full volume, making some of the gang cover their ears.

Bob: I BeTtEr gEt pAiD FoR PuTtInG Up wItH ThIs!

Boopkins: You get paid?

Suddenly, Mario gets hit by something and Meggy glares at SMG4 and SMG3, who were nearby practicing their meme energy.


SMG4: S-sorry about that! We're practicing for our exams too!

SMG1: *facepalms* No no no! You've got the technique all wrong. Try again.

SMG3: Ugh...there has to be a way I can cheat this exam...

They try again as Meggy approaches Mario.

Meggy: You alright, Red?

Suddenly, Melony in her deity form comes zooming by and Mario accidently grabs ahold of her before losing his grip and falling to the ground. She was getting chased by sandbags with jetpacks and laser guns. You and Niles were watching this play out.


Melony launches herself off a wall and slashes the three sandbags chasing after her. After getting slashed by Melony, they explode. Melony lands onto the ground and returns to normal as you and Niles go up to her.

Niles: Melony, you did it! You controlled-

He notices that Melony is fast asleep on the ground. You walk over to her and give her a piggyback ride.

Niles: Ok, yeah, take a rest! You've earned it. *looks up at the sky* I think it's time...

The Box Leader sees you holding onto Melony from in the bushes.


Meggy witnesses the Box Club members quickly snatch Melony away from you and take off running. You quickly take off after them, clearly pissed.


Meggy: Um...guys...

SMG4 and SMG3 were too busying concentrating to pay attention to Meggy.

Meggy: GUYS!

SMG4 and SMG3 stop concentrating and the meme energy ball behind them explodes.

SMG4: Uh yes?

Meggy: Melony's being kidnapped by the Box Club and (Y/N)'s chasing after them!

Saiko: *holding Mario* You have anything to do with this?

Mario: No! Mario's a good boy now! I swear!

SMG4: Ugh, they probably just want to put a box on her head or something. *sighs* Let's go save her.

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