Melony Felony

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It was another beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. On this fine day, you were making your way to the castle to see what everyone's doing. Upon entering the castle, you noticed that only Toad was there at first. Searching around the castle, you eventually find Melony in the Bob-omb Battlefield painting room watching Axol's Two Piece. She seemed to really enjoy it, considering the main characters were literally fruit, one of which was a watermelon.

Deciding to leave her alone for now, you leave the room and just lean against the wall and relax. A couple of minutes later, Axol comes in with a watermelon, which peaked your interest.

You: Why are you carrying a watermelon, Axol?

Axol: It's for my next Two Piece episode I'm working on.

Because he turned towards you to answer your question, he wasn't looking where he was going and eventually seemed to trip over his own feet, causing the watermelon to fly out of his hands. Right when he tripped, Melony had come out of the room she was in and witnessed the melon smash into the ground, breaking some pieces off before stopping in front of Toad, causing him to look up from his Switch.

Toad: Oh these are pretty cool bananas! *begins devouring the melon like the fucking animal he is*

Melony was absolutely horrified, watching one of her kind being eaten "alive". She falls onto her knees and tears start to pour out of her eyes. She then turned her attention to Axol and glared at him intensely, making him give her a nervous smile before quickly running away. Mario soon approaches Melony, though you were unsure if he was going to attempt to cheer Melony up or not. It's hard to tell when it's Mario.

Mario: Excuse me, Mario's got to piss spaghetti out of my penis!

His response from Melony was a cold unforgiving glare that caused Mario to back up and leave from fright. You were also pretty freaked out by the way Melony was looking at people with such hateful eyes and ultimately decided to just not talk to her or even look at her right now, as you were absolutely petrified of what she could potentially do to you if you upset her.

 You were also pretty freaked out by the way Melony was looking at people with such hateful eyes and ultimately decided to just not talk to her or even look at her right now, as you were absolutely petrified of what she could potentially do to you...

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Axol was fast asleep, unaware of where he was right now. Suddenly, he's snapped awake from Meggy blaring an air horn next to him and looked around in confusion as he realized he was in court for some reason. Almost of the seats in the courtroom were filled with watermelons and to his surprise, Melony was the supposed judge. The only seat that was not occupied by a melon was the one that you were seated in. Melony had practically dragged you with her to the courthouse for some reason and you were too afraid to speak up against her in fear of angering her, so you just went with it. You did feel uncomfortable being surrounded by melons, however.

Meggy: Welcome to fruit court, Axol.

Axol: The hell is a fruit court?

Meggy: Anyway, you are accused of the crime of murdering Watermelon-kun!

Jury Melon 1 (Melony): You monster!

Jury Melon 2 (Melony): He's a killer!

Spectator Melon 1 (Melony): Guilty!

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