Doomsday (but Mario is Okay)

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We see a news station broadcasting on how Chris and Swag are going to blow up the USB with a nuke.

Swag: Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

Chris: *dragging the nuke by himself* Swag...a little help...

Swag: *picks up the nuke* Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

SMG4 was watching the whole thing through some binoculars. He then approaches a random tree.

SMG4: Yo! Open up!

The tree moves aside, allowing SMG4 to access the bunker he had under it. All of the rest of the gang were there waiting for the nuke to blow. Currently, you were focused watching Axol and his strange behavior, seeming to get scared at nothing and for no reason.

SMG4: Ok everyone. It's in position.

Boopkins: Aw man, what if this doesn't work?!

Bob: ThEn wE WoUlD HaVe nUkEd pEaCh's cAsTlE FoR NoThInG.

Mario: *puts on sunglasses* Sounds like another day in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Meggy: I can't believe I've only been gone for a few months and now we're under threat from an alien ship in the sky.

SMG4: Alright guys, listen up! We all know why we're here. They're going to throw all they got at SMG0's USB. Whatever happens, keep our avatar safe!

Mario: HELLO!


Chris: Ok Swag! Everything is in position. Fire the nuke in 3... 2... 1... FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!

Swag presses the button but the nuke doesn't go off.

Swag: What? *presses the button several more times* BLOW UP YOU BIG BALONEY!


Boopkins: Uhh... Is something meant to happen now?

SMG4: They're probably just clearing the area? Let's give them more time.

Bob: ScReW ThIs! I'M OuT Of hErE! i'vE GoT HoEs wAiTiNg fOr mE!

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Bob: ScReW ThIs! I'M OuT Of hErE! i'vE GoT HoEs wAiTiNg fOr mE!

He begins to leave but is ultimately stopped by SMG4.

SMG4: I can't let you do that Bob.

Bob: GeT OuT Of mY WaY DuMbAsS!

SMG4: No one's going anywhere until that bomb goes off.

Bob: YoU'Ve mAdE A VeRy pOwErFuL EnEmY ToDaY!

Mario: Mario's soooooo hungry.

Meggy: Let's go look for some food, Red! *gets up and walks away* I'm sure they have something here!

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