UnEXEpected Guest

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It was another average day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and no, this is certainly not a Sans reference.

Anyway, you were making your way to the castle as per usual. To your surprise, the gang was outside and not inside. Curiously, you made your way over to them. SMG4 was the first to notice your arrival.

SMG4: Oh hey, (Y/N).

You: Why is everyone out here?

SMG4: The princess wanted us to get out of the castle.

You: Why?

SMG4: Dunno. But at least it's not as bad as it seems. I mean...

He looks up at the beautiful blue sky.

SMG4: It's a nice and beautiful day out, isn't it?

You: Uh, I mean, I guess so?

You are suddenly hugged from behind by someone and you immediately knew who it was.

Melony: (Y/N)!~

You turn around and hug your girlfriend back.

You: Hey, Melly. How have you been today?

Melony: Gooood!~

She buries her head into your chest and giggles.

While you were dealing with Melony, Mario was minding his own business by eating spaghetti when a portal suddenly appears near him, causing the Italian to turn his attention to it. From it, another (Y/N) steps out of alongside another figure. The figure themself was similar in appearance to Sonic, but their fur was a darker shade and their eyes were hollow and constantly dripping blood.

Mario: Ooooo, hello (Y/N), why are you coming out of a portal with creepy ass Sonic?

F/Y/N: Huh? H-How do you know my name?

Mario, however, doesn't answer and instead just stares at him cross-eyed.

???: Do you know me as well?

Mario turns his attention to the Sonic figure with the same cross-eyed stare.

???: (Y/N), I don't think this guy is...y'know...all there.

F/Y/N: Yeah, I know what you mean. He really seems quite...um...what's a good word for him without hurting his feelings?

???: Stupid?

F/Y/N: No, I think that's too direct.

???: Idiotic?

F/Y/N: Nah, still too direct.

???: Retar-

F/Y/N: Whoa whoa whoa, hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves here, Sonic.exe.

Those words echo in Mario's mind for a bit until he finally registers what he heard. Once he does, his eyes widen in fear.

Mario: D-Did...Did you say...EXE...?

The other (Y/N) looks at him puzzled.

F/Y/N: Uh, yeah. Why do you-

Before he can finish his sentence, Mario runs away screaming.


F/Y/N: H-Hey, wait! Why are saying my name?! How do you know it?!

He and Sonic.exe quickly run after him.

F/Y/N: Is Sonic.exe the problem? I promise she's not going to hurt you!

Sonic.exe: Unless you really want me to!

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