The Bed

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We start off the episode with you helping Axol and Melony help put a bed together you all ordered from IKEA.

Axol: This is it Melony... The Super Ultra Comfy Bed Deluxe! This will give you the best sleep possible!

He opens the crate only for a bunch of supplies to go flying out. Melony attempts to sleep on a bunch of boards thinking it's the bed but does not like it at all.

Axol: *picks up the manual* ...Have you ever put together a bed before Melony?

Melony: *stares blankly at Axol*

Axol: It shouldn't be too hard! (Y/N) and I will help you!

Melony: YAAAAAAY!!!

Axol hands Melony the manual and she starts reading it, only to fold it up and make a hat out of it. You and Axol stare at her unamused.


You and Axol put together the base and turn to see how Melony is doing. To your horror, she had made a pentagram of the boards and had summoned the Grim Reaper.

Melony: Hello!

Grim Reaper: Oh hey Melony.


Axol was drilling a wood piece while Melony was doing the same, only she was spinning out of control and accidently hits you, sending you flying.


Melony is seen hammering a board into something and appears before Axol to show she's done. Axol gives her a thumbs up and walks away, revealing Melony had hammered the board to Axol's back.


You hand Melony the manual but to her, all of the words are in French, leaving her extremely confused. She throws away the manual and grabs two boards. She begins to think intensely on what do to next only to get an idea and place one board on top of the other. She cheers, thinking she has done it right while you and Axol forcefully smile and give her a thumbs up, not wanting to hurt her feelings.


Soon, you all look at the new bed you had created.

Axol: That...doesn't look right...

Melony gets an idea and tosses a mattress down onto the failed bed before collapsing on top of it and falling asleep.

Axol: *facepalms* That's still not right Melony! Isn't there anyone who can help us build this bed?!

As if right on cue, Mario drops from the ceiling and gets up.

Mario: Hello there.

You: PLEASE tell me we're not going to ask Mario for help.

Axol: Mario! You have to help us! We're trying to build a new bed!

Mario: Not my problem. *begins to walk away*

Axol: W-what if...we let you borrow this bed!

You: *facepalms*

Mario: *turns around to face Axol* I'm listening...

Axol: Think about how COOL you'd be with a bed like that!!!

Mario: *imagines what it would be like* Ok! Now you have my attention! *puts on builder hat* Let's do this!

He makes an entirely new bed with a hammer.

You: What the fuck.

Mario: *grabs Melony and tosses her onto the new bed* Job's done!

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