Perfectly Balanced (As All Things Should Be)

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SMG4 was currently making some memes on his computer.

SMG4: Hell yeah!

Suddenly, Mario breaks down the door, screaming.

Mario: SMG4!!! HELP!!!


Mario screams as he gets dragged away.


He grabs his keyboard to arm himself and runs out of his room to pursuit Mario. He looks around for a bit before stopping in realization.

SMG4: Goddamnit, this better not be a prank.

He feels a hand on his shoulder and slowly, he turns to face the person, revealing it to be a corrupted Morshu. He holds up Mario and a noose.

Corrupted Morshu: ROPE?

SMG4 screams in fright and slams his keyboard into Morshu's head, causing him to let go of Mario.


He and SMG4 take off for the castle courtyard with the corrupted Morshu right behind them.

Corrupted Morshu: Bombs?

The corrupted fat merchant began throwing bombs at the two, with one exploding near them causing them to go flying into the courtyard, where you were.

You: What the fuck is going on?

SMG4: NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! *runs past you*

Mario grabs onto Morshu's leg, seemingly trying to stop him from moving.

Corrupted Morshu: IT'S YOURS, MY FRIEND.

Mario: NOW SMG4!

SMG4 jumps up with a large Boo in his hands.


Mario quickly moves out of the way and SMG4 slams the Boo down into Morshu, trapping him within the Boo.

Mario: Ok SMG4, why is this dead meme trying to hang Mario?!

You: Wait what?

Mario: ...SMG4?

SMG4: Say cheese!

He takes a picture of him and the Boo with the corrupted Morshu in it. He posts the picture onto his Twitter.

SMG4: Hehe funny meme.

You: *unamused* Really?

Suddenly, a portal opens up near you guys.

Mario: Oh boy, another portal.

Two Ugandan Knuckles appear from the portal, clicking to themselves and one of them points to Mario.

Ugandan Knuckles: That's the dead meme.

They pick Mario up and start to carry him to the portal.

Mario: Uhh SMG4, can you PLEASE explain what's happening?!

SMG4: Oh...this is going to be one of those days, isn't it?

You: Yep.

You and SMG4 follow Mario into the portal and immediately you both began falling from the sky and into a dead meme hospital.

SMG4: Oh no... oh no oh no oh no... I'm back here... *PTSD FLASHBACKS*

You: Chill out, dude.

Mario: IT'S THE INTERNET GRAVEYARD GUYS!!! Somethings got Mario confused though... The dead memes seem a lot less...murderous now?

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