Girls Night Out

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(My brothers in Christ, I am sorry, but this is another short chapter. Also, I honestly had no idea where I was going with this chapter)

In the castle, the four girls were chatting away with each other when Meggy decided to bring up an interesting topic.

Meggy: Hey, you know what we should do? We should have an entire night by ourselves! A girls night out!

Melony: Oooh, that sounds like fun!

Saiko: Heck yeah! We could all sorts of stuff!

Tari: Like going to go feed the ducks!

Saiko: Ok, maybe not THAT kind of stuff.

Tari: Aww...

Melony: Can we do it tonight? I really want to go!

Meggy: That's fine by me! Alright everyone, let's get this party STARTED!


Soon, they were at a mall that was open 24/7, deciding on what to do first. (*Coconut Mall blares loudly*)

Meggy: What should we do first?

Melony: Having something to eat!

Saiko: Play some Guitar Hero!

Tari: Feed the duckies!

Everyone looks at Tari strangely.

Tari: ...What?

Meggy: How about we go bowling instead?

Soon, they were starting their game and Saiko was up first. However, she threw the ball too hard and it bounced off the wall and hit a Koopa that was walking by.


The girls slowly back away from the screaming Koopa.


Meggy: Ok, maybe we shouldn't go bowling.

Saiko: Let's try my idea now!


They were then at Guitar Hero machines to play them.

Saiko: Not to brag or anything, but I have the highest score here.

She smirks as Melony stares at her in disbelief.

Melony: Really?

Saiko: Sure did, Melony.

Melony: Wooow!

She grabs the guitar from the machine in excitement.

Melony: I'm going to try that too!

Saiko: Heh, go right ahead, but you'll never beat it.

Melony starts the game and immediately starts getting the hang of it, which shocks Saiko, but she tries to play it off.

Saiko: That's just beginner's luck!

However, her confidence gets lower when Melony starts getting Perfects.

Saiko: I-Impossible! Nobody can get that good that quickly!

It only continues to go downhill when she sees Melony transform into her deity form and start shredding the guitar. The other girls watch on in amazement.


Soon, the song ends and the machine blows up while it was trying to rate Melony's performance.

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