Infinite Detention

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It was another day at Omnia Academy. You were in class with Melony, though you were definitely not in a good mood.

You: I can't believe you guys actually convinced me to go to college.

Melony: Aww c'mon (Y/N), we get to spend time together!

You: I'm only doing this for you, nothing more.

Kawaishima: HEY, NO TALKING IN MY CLASS! One more peep out of you two and it's DETENTION!!!

You: Sorry. (Fucking asshole...)


SMG1: And as you can see here, the universe's avatar is just a regular human but with extraordinary abilities!

The class writes down what SMG1 said.

SMG2: Now up next, we're going to see how meme energy can be used to power up our avatar!

SMG4: Hey so sorry I'm late guys! SOMEONE thought it'd be funny to fill up my car engine with ravioli.

Mario: HA! GOTTEM!

SMG2: Don't worry SMG4! You're just in time! Ah wonderful! You brought them!

He opens the chest to reveal it to be full of memes.

SMG1: Ok class, SMG2 and I will now conduct a little demonstration while SMG4 explains what's going on.

They link hands and begin to transmute the memes to Mario.

SMG4: So we meme guardians can transmute memes into energy! And transfer them into our avatar.

Mario's hand grows bigger from the meme energy channeling into it.

Mario: Hey, just for in time for the end of No Nut November!

SMG4: So we have to be careful with meme energy as it can be extremely volatile.

Mario: Say, I'mma hungry.

Mario eats one and quickly spits it out and it hits SMG1 and SMG2. This causes them to transmute their own students into meme energy and channel it into Mario.


SMG1: W-we can't!

SMG4 quickly helps pry SMG2 off SMG1 before turning to Mario as his face falls. Mario had transformed into a rocket and crashes against SMG4, Meggy, and Melony before exploding into Kawaishima.

You: Guys are you ok?

After the smoke clears, the classroom was destroyed and Kawaishima was pissed.

Kawaishima: DETENTION!!!!!

Soon, all of you were in detention as you became even more annoyed.

You: Are you fucking kidding me?! It's my first day here and I already got detention because of Mario! THANKS A FUCKING LOT YOU FUCKING FATASS RETARDED ITALIAN!

Melony: (Y/N)! Please calm down!

Some bully spits a spitball at Melony as you and her both glare at him for doing so. Kawaishima leaves the room.

Kawaishima: Make sure none of them leave.

Swag: You got it chief.

SMG4: Oh no...

Sure enough, it was Swag and Chris that was going to be watching over you all.


Meggy: Wh-What are you guys doing here?

SMG4: Yeah aren't you meant to be in the military protecting the Mushroom Kingdom?

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