Generic Obligatory Beach Episode

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SMG4 was outside the castle, watching the sunrise while taking in the fresh morning air.

SMG4: It's going to be such a beautiful day today. I know! Maybe the gang and I can go the beach today!

SMG4 takes out his phone and calls you first.

You: *groggily* Hello?

SMG4: Yo (Y/N)! It's going to be such a beautiful day today! What better way to spend it than at the beach! Wanna come?

You: Ok yeah, I guess we can do that.

SMG4: Ok great! See you later!

He hangs up and you look over to the other side of the bed to notice Melony not there. She must have woken up before you, a rare sight indeed.

You get out of bed and walk out of the room to see Melony at the table practicing feeding another melon. She stops and beams at you once she sees you.

Melony: Good morning (N/N)!

You: Melony, what are you doing?

Melony: I'm practicing for when we have children!

She smiles and giggles at you, as if she saw nothing wrong with that sentence.

You: *blushes heavily* O-oh... (W-why is she so focused on us having kids?)

You regain your composure to tell Melony what you're going to do today.

You: Anyway, SMG4 wants to spend the day at the beach. Do you wanna go?

Melony: Ooooh! Yes! Yes! I wanna go!

You: Alright, well then go get your stuff, silly.

Melony rushes out of the room to get stuff ready for the trip to the beach. You look back at the melon she was taking care of and sigh.

You: What am I going to do with that girl...

You then walk off to help Melony with the packing process.


Soon, you and Melony, in her swimsuit, had arrived at the beach and saw the rest of the gang already having fun.

SMG4: (Y/N)! Melony! So glad you guys could make it!

You: SMG4 why do you have your computer?

SMG4: To make memes. MY FANS NEED ME!

With that, he instantly goes back to typing away, causing you to mentally facepalm.

You: (So much for hanging out on the beach...)

Melony didn't hesitate for a second and immediately jumped into the ocean, splashing Boopkins, who was swimming as well.

You: Well, at least she's enjoying herself...

You make your way to nearest shade before coating yourself in sunscreen, not wanting to get sunburn of course.

You: (I think I'll just relax in the shade...)

You close your eyes to relax and just like that, you were out like a light. Meanwhile, the others were still having their own sorts of fun.

Meggy: Ready, Mario and Luigi? Saiko and I will crush you in volleyball!

Luigi: Me and Mario are going to kick your butts! Isn't that right Mario?

Mario: Pingas.

Saiko serves the ball first, but she ends up hitting it so hard that it bounces off Luigi's head and goes off elsewhere.

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