SMG4's 10 Year Anniversary

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The special episode begins with Mario jumping out of a pipe, having been invited to Peach's Castle for some cake.

Mario: CAKE! Wahoo! Free cake for nothing!

He's stopped by Lakitu but a Teletubby lands on Lakitu.

Teletubby: Pizza delivery for Mario?

Mario: *SR PELO GASP* It's pizza time! *begins to dance with the Teletubby*

SMG4: Cut cut cut! The heck are you doing Mario?!

Mario: *eating pizza* BEKFAST!

SMG4: How am I suppose to recreate my first ever video for 10 year anniversary if you keep ruining it?!

Mario: *dancing on pizza naked* PIZZA, PASTA, PUT IT IN A BOX. BRING IT HERE AND PUT IT ON MY- *gets hit by SMG4's camera and the pizza randomly catches on fire* NOOOOOO!!!

SMG4: Forget it, recreating "the cake is a lie" isn't BIG enough for this 10 year anniversary. *Mario can be seen in the background sobbing over the pizza while Peach approaches* No...for 10 years...I need to throw a party.

Peach: Hey guys, you wanted me for a video?

SMG4: The BIGGEST party that we've ever had! *Mario picks up Peach and throws her into the castle, causing her to explode upon impact* And I'm going to get every single person that's been on adventures with us over the past 10 years. *Mario runs around for a bit before exploding into a coin* AND YOU'RE GOING TO HELP ME MARIO! *notices Mario is a coin now and kicks the coin, turning Mario back to normal*

Mario: Do I have to?

SMG4: Yes!!! LET'S GO!!!

They get into a car and buckle up.

SMG4: ROAAAAADDD TRIIIPPPPPPPP!!! *steps on the gas and drives away, running over Carl Wheezer in the process while bobbing to the Reese Puffs song. They drive past Weegee Dolls, Teletubby Land, and a few people in space, including Shaggy, Floating Mario Head, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. They eventually drive past Hobo 1 and Hobo 2 who were in a shopping cart*


SMG4 and Mario drive past the never-ending battle of milk cartons and cows as they make their way to a few familiar people.

Rob: Can I have two pizzas please?

Waluigi: Well, no you big piece of shit!

SMG4: Hey Steve and Rob! We're having a 10 year anniversary party! Wanna join?

Steve: YEAH BOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIII- *rips off clothes to reveal a maid costume underneath and jumps into the wagon with Rob right behind him*

Waluigi: *gets jealous that he wasn't invited and uses his negative power to send the car flying*


Waluigi: *changes back to normal and celebrates*

SMG4: Wait, where the hell are we going?

*Meanwhile in Inkopolis*

Bob: Yo yO HoMiEs! WhAt dO YoU WaNt tHe fAmOuS RaPpEr bOb tO SiNg?

Captain Cuttlefish: I heard that Korean song with that guy and he's like a horse? Gangnam Style?

Bob: ...wHaT.

SMG4's car lands on Captain Cuttlefish.

Mario: OH IT'S BOB! Wanna join our 10 year anniversary party?

Bob: Oh hElL YeAh! *gets punched by Heavy Squid and causes him to go flying into a memorial for Desti the Octoling* OoPsIeS. *gets shot at by the octolings attending the memorial*

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