All Mario Wants is Absolute 𝓟 𝓞 𝓦 𝓔 𝓡

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It was another day in Omnia Academy. It was lunch time and everyone was having their lunch, or at least trying to.

Meggy: Oh boy, mystery meat once again. What did you guys get?

Melony's muffin comes to life and she screams and throws her tray away from her. Mario eats the muffin as Melony looks down sadly before you comfort her.

You: How about we go somewhere to eat after we get out? Just the two of us.

Melony: *smiles* Ok!

Boopkins: Aw man, my food's eating me again.

Mario: Why doesn't someone fix the food around here?!?!

Meggy: It's the student president, he's in charge of what food is served here.

Kermit: Due to budget cuts, school lunch has been changed to whatever I find in this garbage bin! Yahoooo!!


Bully: Hoo hoo yeah! You suck!

Kermit: You dare challenge me?

Mario: Yeah! I'm gonna run for president instead!

They then begin to compete against each other.


The student's head pops off from Mario's screaming.

Kermit: My cousin is here to tell you why you should vote for me.

Stalin: *slaps sickle against hand*

You all see the intense competition of Mario and Kermit.

Meggy: This is uhh...kinda sad.

Boopkins: Come on guys! We gotta help Mario!

You: Do we actually want Mario to be president? Because that doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

Boopkins: Well, I don't want to be president. And it's better than Kermit being president.

Box Leader: You are NOT our messiah! We won't vote for you!

Kermit: Oh yeah? Can your messiah do this?

He starts dancing before kicking Mario in the balls. This angers Meggy and she makes up her mind.

Meggy: You're right... Boopkins, grab some fliers. (Y/N) and Melony, call for backup. Time to make Mario president!

Meggy was soon in a hall holding a flier of Mario.

Meggy: Hey would you like to- Um...oh, excuse me-

Scout opens his locker and find Boopkins inside.

Boopkins: Excuse me, could I interest you in-

Scout slams the locker shut before Boopkins could finish his sentence. Boopkins walks up to Meggy extremely sad.

Boopkins: Aw Meggy, it's no use. Nobody cares.

Meggy: *holds up a communism book* I read in a book once that in political advertising, you have to be aggressive.

Boopkins tries it on Buff Winnie the Pooh.

Boopkins: Hey you! Take a flier or I'll give you a smack!

Soon, he was back at Meggy with him being on fire.

Boopkins: I don't think that worked.

Meggy: Hmm... Or was it be more relatable...

Meggy tries to do so on a student but like Boopkins, she fails.

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