Mario Goes to the Zoo

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(Jesus Christ, 10K+ reads?! I honestly never thought this fanfic would get this much attention)

Currently, you were at the zoo with Melony, Tari, Bob, Boopkins, and Mario watching the monkeys. Melony was holding your hand while also eating a lollipop that you bought for her. Tari takes a picture of all the monkeys spinning around a circle.

Bob: HeRe mOnKeY, mOnKeY!

A monkey approaches Bob holding out his popcorn to it.

Boopkins: Wow, I never seen a monkey up close befor-

He doesn't get to finish his sentence, as he is grabbed by the monkey and the said monkey climbs up a tree with the now screaming Boopkins.

Monkey: *looks at Boopkins* Monkey...

Boopkins: Guys help!!

Tari: Oh no! We have to do som-

Mario: *puts finger on Tari's mouth* Tari. He belongs to the monkeys now.

Tari: But Mari-

She immediately forgets all about Boopkins upon hearing some ducks quack. She runs over to them and starts to chase after one of them while dancing. Meanwhile, you, Melony, Mario, and Bob still watch the monkey with Boopkins.

Bob: *turns to Mario* HeY WaNnA Go sEe tHe lIoN?


They both make their way to the lions but first, they stop and look at some sloths.

Mario: Pfft sloths? Boring!

They continue their way to the lions while you and Melony approach the sloths, still holding hands. Melony is instantly fascinated by their lazy behavior and soon joins them in laying down. You walk over and lay down next to her.

You: You're so precious. I love you so much.

Melony giggles as she continues to laze about.


Mario and Bob were at the lion's cage and were watching the lion sleep in a bed.

Mario: DO A FLIP!

The lion does nothing, still fast asleep.

Mario, wanting to the lion in action, picks up a rock and prepares to throw it at the lion. Before he does so, however, he stops and thinks to himself.

Mario: ( this a good idea?)

He thinks about it for a moment before throwing the rock at the lion, waking it up. Angered that it was woken up, the lion grabs Mario and begins to maul him while Bob runs away, terrified.


Soon, Bob was watching some pigs when Mario joins him, his limbs all mangled and twisted.

Mario: Hey! Why did you leave Mario to be attacked?

Bob: LoOk! PiGs!

Mario looks at them and laughs before jumping over the fence and approaching one of them. He makes it fall over as he laughs at it. Mario then begins to do other horrible things to pigs, such as attaching a jetpack to it.

Bob: HeY MaRiO, wHaT If wE...

He whispers in Mario's ear, causing him to grin devilishly. He then opens the gate while Bob addresses the pigs.

Bob: Ok yOu sTuPiD AnImAlS, bE FrEe!

The pigs don't do anything, completely ignoring Bob. Bob just sighs and throws popcorn out the gate, getting the pigs attention and making them run out of the enclosed area.

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